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[rpd] AfriNIC and Geo-Location

Andrew Alston Andrew.Alston at
Fri Jul 3 08:06:21 UTC 2015

Hi Guys,

I've queried some of this with AfriNIC and am awaiting replies, but in the mean time I figured I'd ask some questions here and perhaps someone with more knowledge of how these things work than I can shed some light.

So, scenario.

I have a /16 block, and lets say hypothetically that the block is held by a Mauritian entity.

I then do an assignment of a /19 out of that /16  block to a sub-company in Kenya.

The geo-location databases will still insist that block is in Mauritius (even after weeks)

However, if I do a sub-allocate to a sub-company in Kenya, the geo-location databases DO show the space in Kenya.

Now, I understand basically what the difference between assignments and sub-allocations is, but I'm at a loss to understand why the geo-location databases don't see updates on assignments, no matter how much I dig into the issue.  If I understood this, I could then go to AfriNIC and see if we could find a way to fix this, because it DOES create a problem for multi-nationals that are assigning space to companies that are buying cross border circuits and aren't geo-located in the original country of assignment.  (Which creates inaccurate whois data).

In our case, I wouldn't mind doing the sub-allocate, but I also am struggling to understand the policy motivation behind the sub-allocation stuff (I've queried this with AfriNIC staff a few minutes ago, and I'm sure when they get time they will explain), but basically if you sub-allocate, that puts a request through to the staff and seems to ask for all sorts of justifications for it (addressing plans etc), and I'm trying to understand if there is anything in the policies that would require this beyond what is done for assignments.  If anyone knows of anything off the top of their heads, info would be appreciated.



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