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[rpd] AfriNIC RSA & policy improvement

Sunday Folayan sunday.folayan at
Thu Jul 2 11:58:48 UTC 2015

Dear Vladimir and Members,

The Board made no statements on IP Address brokerage. 

If what you (Vladimir) are referring to, are statements made on the floor of RPD Open Mic by some members of the Board, those members of the AfriNIC Board discussed purely in their private capacities and not as representatives or spokespersons of the Board of AfriNIC. 

The Board does not get itself involved in the process of IP address allocation.

Best Regards ...

Sunday Folayan
Board Chair

On 02/07/2015 05:54, Vladimir Kangin wrote:
> Dear Noah,
> Dear Seun,
> Dear Boubakar,
> Yes, I'm emotional as what is going in AFRINIC definitely have nothing
> to do with policy and enforcement of policy equally to all members. 
> What kind of evidence are you looking for? That was a verbal discussion
> but I guess I'll be able to find a witness if it would change anything.
> I would like to address our /22 application that is not moving forward
> and hostmasters keep us busy to supply them with shipment documents,
> customs clearance documents and reply 1 time a week in order to keep
> process slow moving.
> Our legal department now closely looking it to case as it cause
> substantial financial damage to IPTP Networks and we as a public
> organization have to reply to our shareholders in a formal way.
> On Wed, 2015-07-01 at 19:39 +0300, Noah wrote:
>> On 22 Jun 2015 06:03, "Vladimir Kangin" <v at> wrote:
>> Vladimir,
>>> Some board members want to become an IP brokers and trade IP.. Isn't
>>> smart? You want to go though then pay money... sounds very good
>> business for them!
>> Your emotions aside...We hope the statement above is not some joke.
>> You have clearly been subjective in your lengthy email that depicts
>> your frustration with the resource allocation process this far but
>> making such insinuations/accusations is serious. 
>> Do you have any proof because these are our board members we are
>> talking about?
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Vladimir Kangin
>> Noah

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