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[rpd] Recruitment of AfriNIC CEO date

Raz BIRAMAH rbiramah at
Wed Nov 26 20:07:47 UTC 2014

Thanks Seun,

I may have missed something then. For my full information, can you help me find the process as it has been defined in the board processes, and i hope it is not "confidential". Consider this as a member request for information. Can someone help me locate and read that process to be followed by the board to recruite a new CEO?

Also relating to the delay, it is a good idea to consider that an interim might be necessary and i will propose than the interim CEO could not be a candidate for the definitive recruitment, except as i said priorly the define board process already planned something else.


Cheers ;-)


> Le 26 nov. 2014 à 23:49, Seun Ojedeji <seun.ojedeji at> a écrit :
> Hi Raz,
> Employment process does not go through policy. It's within the capacity of board members to initiate a process to selecting a CEO and they  ultimately do the appointment. I think they have now released a timeline which is an indication of action on their side. The timeline also put into  consideration the reality that a CEO may not be available soon hence the interim that will be appointed.
> Hope this helps clarify the issue.
> Cheers!
> sent from Google nexus 4
> kindly excuse brevity and typos.
>> On 26 Nov 2014 23:43, "Raz BIRAMAH" <rbiramah at> wrote:
>> The first question to point out here is are enough aware of the process to follow to appoint a new CEO? What do the policies say? Obviously we need, i mean the community need to try to do thing surely and replacing a CEO should be something not to do in hurry but just follow a clearly define policy.
>> I also think that the delay to collect candidates seems short. 
>> Regards
>> iPi9
>>> Le 26 nov. 2014 à 23:12, Seun Ojedeji <seun.ojedeji at> a écrit :
>>> Hi Gregoire,
>>> Are you saying 3 weeks+ window for application is not enough? Because me thinks it's long enough for anyone interested to apply.
>>> What may be important is that enough social engagement should happen... and we as individual should share the information with our respective communities.
>>> Regards
>>> sent from Google nexus 4
>>> kindly excuse brevity and typos.
>>>> On 26 Nov 2014 23:07, "gehoumi" <gehoumi at> wrote:
>>>> I think that the date of 19 december 2014 to search for another CEO is not enough to do something durable. We do not need to waste time.
>>>> Gregoire EHOUMI
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