[AfrICANN-discuss] Global Policy Proposal for Post Exhaustion IPv4 Allocation Mechanisms by IANA – Updated Background Report

Anne-Rachel Inné annerachel at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 21:13:23 SAST 2011


Global Policy Proposal for Post Exhaustion IPv4 Allocation Mechanisms by
IANA – Updated Background Report

*(Third proposal for handling recovered IPv4 address space)*

Updated 28 November 2011
Updated 22 July 2011
26 April 2011
 Purpose of this document

This document provides a background report on the progress of an active
Global Policy proposal, "Global Policy Proposal for Post Exhaustion IPv4
Allocation Mechanisms by IANA". It is intended as a background briefing for
the ICANN Board and the wider community.

Global Internet Number Resource Policies are defined by the ASO
MOU<http://www.icann.org/en/aso/aso-mou-29oct04.htm>- between ICANN
and the NRO - as "Internet number resource policies that
have the agreement of all RIRs according to their policy development
processes and ICANN, and require specific actions or outcomes on the part
of IANA or any other external ICANN-related body in order to be
implemented". Attachment A of this MOU describes the Development Process of
Global Internet Number Resource Policies, including the adoption by every
RIR of a global policy to be forwarded to the ICANN Board by the
as well as its ratification by the ICANN Board. In this context, the ICANN
Board adopted its own
the Review of Internet Number Resource Policies Forwarded by the ASO
for Ratification.

Among other features, these Procedures state that the Board will decide, as
and when appropriate, that ICANN staff should follow the development of a
particular global policy, undertaking an "early awareness" tracking of
proposals in the addressing community. To this end, staff should issue
background reports periodically, forwarded to the Board, to all ICANN
Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees and posted at the ICANN
web site.

At its meeting on 21 April 2011, the Board resolved to request tracking of
the development of a "Global Policy for post exhaustion IPv4 allocation
mechanisms by the IANA", under discussion in the addressing community. The
status overview presented below is compiled in response to this request and
will be further updated as developments proceed, for information to ICANN
entities and the wider community. This is the third background report on
this proposal.
Status Overview

The purpose of the proposal is to enable IANA to allocate returned IPv4
blocks to RIRs. IANA would place IPv4 blocks returned by the RIRs in a
Recovered IPv4 Pool. This Pool would be declared active when one RIR has
less than half its last /8 left. IANA would then allocate an "IPv4
allocation unit" (minimum size /24) to each RIR, if the Pool size so
permits. If the space available in the Pool is too limited, allocation
would be deferred in 6 month intervals until space is available.

Following list discussions over slightly different drafts early in 2011,
the current version of this global policy proposal was first formally
introduced in the APNIC region on 20 February 2011 and has since been
introduced and advanced in all the other RIRs. The proposal has been
adopted in APNIC, LACNIC and RIPE and has passed final call in AfriNIC and
Process history

On 3 February 2011, the ASO
the proposal as fulfilling the formal requirements as a
candidate for a Global Policy.

Once the proposal has been adopted in all RIRs, i.e. AfriNIC, APNIC, ARIN,
LACNIC and RIPE, the proposal will be handled by the NRO
the ASO AC according to their procedures before being submitted to the
ICANN Board for ratification.

As a background to this policy proposal, it should be noted that a previous
proposal for handling recovered IPv4 address space, "Global Policy Proposal
for the Allocation of IPv4 Blocks to Regional Internet Registries" was
introduced in 2009 but abandoned by the NRO EC in view of version
differences across the RIRs. For more information on that proposal, see the
corresponding background
That proposal is denoted as the *first* proposal in the table below.

Also, a second proposal on this theme "Global Policy Proposal for the
Allocation of IPv4 by IANA Post Exhaustion" was introduced in 2010. This
proposal was rapidly adopted in ARIN, but abandoned in APNIC and withdrawn
in RIPE, making it unlikely that the proposal would advance to become a
global policy. For more information on that proposal, see the
corresponding background
report <http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-11feb11-en.htm>.
That proposal is denoted as the *second* proposal in the table below.

The proposal that is the object of the current background report - for
direct access to the proposal text click
12 KB] – is denoted as the
*third* proposal in the table below, where the significant differences
between the proposals are summarized.

 *Proposal/features* *Third proposal* *Second proposal* *First proposal*

RIR return to IANA

Not mentioned


Mandatory vs. voluntary

RIR Eligibility

Simultaneous for all RIRs

Per RIR, when it has less than a /8 in stock

Simultaneous for all RIRs

ASO reference




An overview of these proposals is also provided on the ASO website, see

The table below outlines the steps taken within each RIR for the current
proposal. Hyperlinks are included for easy access.
Status of Global Policy Proposal for Post Exhaustion IPv4 Allocation
Mechanisms by IANA (GPP-IPv4-2011)

Proposal Introduced

7 Feb 2011
list message <https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2011/001258.html>
28 April 2011
list message <https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2011/001481.html>

25 Jan 2011
list message prop-097<http://mailman.apnic.net/mailing-lists/sig-policy/archive/2010/07/msg00016.html>
20 Feb 2011
version 2<http://mailman.apnic.net/mailing-lists/sig-policy/archive/2011/02/msg00062.html>

8 Mar 2011
list message prop

18 Mar 2011
list message prop

21 Mar 2011
list message prop

Discussion list

Resource Policy Disc. List <https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/>

SIG-Policy <http://mailman.apnic.net/mailing-lists/sig-policy/index.shtml>

Public Policy Mailing List <http://lists.arin.net/pipermail/arin-ppml/>

Politicas – Policy Mailing

Address Policy WG <http://www.ripe.net/mailman/listinfo/address-policy-wg>

Public Forum

AfriNIC 14 4 - 10 June 2011 <http://meeting.afrinic.net/afrinic-14/>


APNIC 31 21  - 25 Feb 2011 <http://meetings.apnic.net/31>  consensus

LACNIC XV 15 - 20 May 2011<http://lacnic.net/en/eventos/lacnicxv/index.html>

- presentation<http://www.lacnic.net/documentos/politicas/LAC-2011-05-en.pdf>

RIPE 62 2 - 6 May 2011<http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-62/index.html>

Final Call for Comments

 29 July – 16 Aug 2011<https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2011/001840.html>

1 Mar - 26 Apr 2011<http://mailman.apnic.net/mailing-lists/sig-policy/archive/2011/03/msg00009.html>

 19 Oct -2 Nov 2011<http://lists.arin.net/pipermail/arin-ppml/2011-October/023364.html>

27 May - 11 July

6 Sept – 4 Oct 2011<http://lists.ripe.net/pipermail/address-policy-wg/2011-September/006300.html>

Next Public


(AfriNIC-15 19 - 25 Nov 2011) <http://meeting.afrinic.net/>

(APNIC 32 29 Aug  - 2 Sept 2011 <http://meetings.apnic.net/32> )

ARIN XXVIII 12 – 14 Oct

LACNIC XVI 4 - 7 Oct 2011 <http://lacnic.net/en/eventos/index.html>

RIPE 63 31 Oct - 4 Nov


Endorsed by APNIC EC 6 May

Ratified by the LACNIC Board 19 July

Accepted by RIPE Community 20 Oct

Link to document


prop-097-v002 <http://www.apnic.net/policy/proposals/prop-097>

Proposal 137<https://www.arin.net/policy/proposals/policy_proposal_archive.html>
Policy ARIN-2011-9 <https://www.arin.net/policy/proposals/2011_9.html>

LAC-2011-05 <http://lacnic.net/documentos/politicas/LAC-2011-05-en.pdf>(EN)

LAC-2011-05 <http://lacnic.net/documentos/politicas/LAC-2011-05-sp.pdf> (ES)

LAC-2011-05 <http://lacnic.net/documentos/politicas/LAC-2011-05-pt.pdf>(PT)

Proposal 2011 - 01 <http://www.ripe.net/ripe/policies/proposals/2011-01/>

RIPE-529 <http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-529>

Link to Policy Development Process

Policy Development Process <http://www.afrinic.net/pdp.htm>

Policy Development Process <http://www.apnic.net/community/policy/process>

Policy Development Process <https://www.arin.net/policy/pdp.html>

Policy Development Process <http://lacnic.net/en/politicas/desarrollo.html>

Policy Development Process <http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/pdp.html>


Final call closed


Final call closed




1 <http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-26apr11-en.htm#text1>The
ASO MoU states that the NRO shall fulfill the role, responsibilities
and functions of the ASO (Address Supporting Organization).

2 <http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-26apr11-en.htm#text2>The
ASO AC (Address Council) consists of elected representatives from each
RIR’s policy making community and membership.

3 <http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-26apr11-en.htm#text3>The
NRO EC (Executive Council) consists of the CEOs of the five RIRs.
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