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[rpd] RPD Digest, Vol 188, Issue 5

Vernon bouanga vernonbouanga at
Thu Jun 2 12:38:30 UTC 2022


Le jeu. 2 juin 2022 à 13:00, <rpd-request at> a écrit :

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: AFRINIC PDWG Co-Chair Selection - Outcome (Noah)
>    2. Clarifications :AFPUB-2020-GEN-003-DRAFT04 (ABDULKARIM OLOYEDE)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2022 23:04:26 +0400
> From: Noah <noah at>
> To: ABDULKARIM OLOYEDE <oloyede.aa at>
> Cc: "rpd >> AfriNIC Resource Policy" <rpd at>
> Subject: Re: [rpd] AFRINIC PDWG Co-Chair Selection - Outcome
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAEqgTWYhwFKoVR2iyxq-KADsVp09WA16+a-Xfb_NoSLderiNiQ at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On Wed, 1 Jun 2022, 22:36 ABDULKARIM OLOYEDE, <oloyede.aa at>
> wrote:
> >
> > You are determined on what to do and like the so called  consensus today
> > when the author himself admitted that there is a controversial clause
> >
> Hi Abdulkarim,
> I think what we have here is a misunderstanding and please allow me to
> drive my point home here on list.
> Firstly as one of the authors, I did not admit that there is a
> controversial clause, and its great that all the discussions are on record
> for all of us to review online.
> When I was responding to participants comments online and onsite on the
> issue of selecting co-chairs through the consensus approach which is one of
> the preferred propositions we as authors have suggested as an option for
> cochair selections to this working group... I rightfully and honestly
> stated that this has been the issue we have been going back and forth with
> for far too long yet its already addressed.
> To build my argument, I went on to explain that this working group has in
> fact selected its co-chairs in the past by consensus. And in fact the
> current co-chairs were also selected by this working group through the very
> process yet some participants of the WG find this very selection process as
> an issue yet it has been used in the past.
> I also pointed out that Mark Elkins agreed with the same school of thought
> ref; the consensus process and that it actually works as its open and very
> transparent.
> The PDP process allows the working group during the last call to further
> engage so that rough consensus that was achieved can lead the working group
> to achieve consensus.
> Lets us continue to engage imho.
> Cheers
> Noah
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2022 08:44:40 +0400
> From: ABDULKARIM OLOYEDE <oloyede.aa at>
> To: PDWG Chair <dacostadarwin at>, rpd List <rpd at>,
>         AFRINIC Policy Liaison <policy-liaison at>
> Subject: [rpd] Clarifications :AFPUB-2020-GEN-003-DRAFT04
> Message-ID:
>         <CAES4e9n0_kzzarbeX51+H=
> Ewjc0o2T38Tozbq9UgVpygiDmzSA at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Dear Policy Liasion,
> The current Policy manual section 3.4.1 reads below
> 3.4.1 Draft Policy Proposal
> During the development of policy, draft versions of the document are made
> available for review and comment by publishing them on the AFRINIC website
> and posting them to the rpd at mailing list. Each draft policy is
> assigned a unique identifier by AFRINIC and the AFRINIC website shall also
> contain the version history and the status of all proposals.
> *The draft policy shall be available for review for at least four weeks
> before the next Public Policy Meeting.* The author(s) shall make the
> necessary changes to the draft policy according to the feedback received.
> The Working Group Chair(s) may request AFRINIC to provide an analysis
> (technical, financial, legal or other), of the impact of the draft policy
> proposal.
> As You can see clearly the draft proposal must be submitted for review four
> weeks before the next public meeting. The PDP Working Group (WG) Guideline
> and procedure Draft 04 was submitted on 24th May 2022. This clearly does
> not allow for four weeks for discussion.
> Please I would like you to comment on this
> Secondly yesterday you claimed that you are yet to begin the implementation
> of this policy, however, clearly, you have begun the implementation with
> the Co-chair selection process you are currently using. I would like you to
> point me in the right direction in the current PDP manual that allows you
> to use the method that you are currently using.
> Thank you
> --
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> End of RPD Digest, Vol 188, Issue 5
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