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[rpd] AFRINIC PDWG Co-Chair Selection Candidates Matrix

Sat May 21 21:19:57 UTC 2022

Hi Jordi,
But I do not think RIPE is the only exception.


On Sat, 21 May 2022, 21:31 JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD, <rpd at>

> Hi AK,
> I didn’t say **all the RIRs** on purpose. RIPE is precisely the
> exception. I followed all the sessions on-line, so you don’t need to find
> any session for me.
> Regards,
> Jordi
> @jordipalet
> El 21/5/22, 22:18, "ABDULKARIM OLOYEDE" <oloyede.aa at>
> escribió:
> Dear Mirriam,
>  Professor Nasir Faruk is by far the better candidate here. However, you
> mentioned that your preferred candidate is doing a great job. If indeed
> this is true and not just a wishful thinking an election would tell us if
> you are not talking your usual gabbage again.
> @ Jodie. I was just reading your mail about resource members nominating in
> other RIRs. Please be specific about these other RIRs.
>  I just got back from RIPE 84. One of my major take home are that resource
> members don't do nominations for the Policy  development working group, and
> the need to make sure that private information are not shared cos they are
> unnecessary.
> I am still jetlagged but later I  find time to send you some specific RIPE
> 84 sessions you should watch. I was hoping to see you in Berlin. Hopefully
> we see in Mauritius next week if you are coming.
> Cheers
> AK
> Cheers.
> On Sat, 21 May 2022, 20:37 Mirriam via RPD, <rpd at> wrote:
> Hello Yakmut
> Your comments are totally invalid and outside the scope of the ongoing
> consensus building process as the working group participants engage to
> select its co-chair.
> If I recall, you recently shared inputs to be incorporated into the
> published criteria, which I believe the Policy Liason team considered. Link
> below of your post on 29th April.
> Do you have any useful comment to the matrix shared and the WG is leaning
> towards Darwin to continue carrying on with the administrative functions of
> this PDWG.
> Mirriam
> On Saturday, May 21, 2022, 07:03:33 PM GMT+3, Daniel I. Yakmut via RPD <
> rpd at> wrote:
> I will vote that going forward we do not conduct election/Selection for
> co-chairs in this RIR, heneforth Co-Chairs should just be appointed and
> work at that until they choose to vacate the position or drop death.
> There is no point arguing here.
> Simply,
> Daniel
> On 21/05/2022 11:32, Mirriam via RPD wrote:
> Dear Emem,
> Your petty comments aside. Let us stick to facts.
> Mr. Faruk endorsers in terms of nominator and seconder are not registered
> contacts as per the matrix.
> J. The intended volunteer must be endorsed and/or nominated by a
> registered contact of an  AFRINIC Resource Member.
> Failure to follow basic rules is vote of no confidence.
> PDP does not require Professors. The co-chairs role is that of an
> administrative function and Darwin as co-chair has done this pretty well in
> the past two PPM as attested by others on the list.
> Mirriam
> On Saturday, May 21, 2022, 12:48:42 PM GMT+3, Emem William
> <dwizard65 at> <dwizard65 at> wrote:
> Dear Mirriam,
> The fact that you, Caleb, Jordi and some few others did not like the
> former co-chair does not mean he was a disaster. Anyway you are entitled to
> your opinion about him and I leave it at that since your opinion does not
> translate to money in the bank. At least for a fact and from all
> indications, I know that @Caleb has always been jealous of his success and
> would always stop at nothing to pull him down; I cannot be surprised by
> whatever he says. Caleb, just keep grinding, one day your efforts might pay
> off. I am sure that if we dig into yours too, we will see some personal
> interests in it.
> To the real issues.
> 1. The criteria that co-chairs should be nominated by a resource member
> was disagreed to in here, therefore it cannot be used.
> 2. Policy liaison needs to tell us who the nominators of his forms are and
> they verified that they are not admin contact of resource members. Below is
> the message I got from the person who did the nomination word for word:
> " Don't mind Afrinic staff, they are acting as 3rd force here. The two
> nominees are resource members; the 1st was by Econet SA and the Second
> nominee was clearly Unilorin. Both are resource members. They just need to
> do their homework properly. They were asking for personal information in
> the forms. Afrinic staff just need to do their homework properly. We do not
> deal with that on the mailing list."
> This, I believe, is not only written in simple English but is also self
> explanatory.
> Cheers
> On Fri, 20 May 2022 at 22:12, Mirriam <mirriamlauren at> wrote:
> Hello Emem and PDWG
> Going by criteria J.
> J. The intended volunteer must be endorsed and/or nominated by a
> registered contact of an  AFRINIC Resource Member.
> Your dear Mr.Faruk nominators and seconders don't even exist as per the
> matrix.
> Just to note that the PDP does not need such academic qualification. You
> remember we had one of the recent past co-chairs who is a Dr. PhD. The PDP
> turned out to be a complete total disaster for the PDWG participants.
> The PDP is not about being an academic Dr. or Prof with PhDs. The PDP is
> about understanding how to gauge consensus and how to follow the PDP as a
> co-chair and this does not need what you are talking about Mr.Faruk as his
> academic qualifications are outside the scope of the PDP.
> I have been attending the past two PPM where Darwin has been cochair and I
> am confident like many other participants in his ability.
> I will go with Darwin based on real data and his performance.
> Seems like Titles are a thing now, please allow me.
> Mirriam
> Daughter of the Nile
> The Nubian Queen
> The Last of the Dora Milage Warriors
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> <>
> On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 5:59 PM, Emem William
> <dwizard65 at> wrote:
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