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[rpd] AFRINIC PDWG Co-Chair Selection Timeframe

Mon Apr 25 14:17:23 UTC 2022

You need to look in the mirror.



On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 2:49 PM Noah <noah at> wrote:

> You can take the boy from the village but you can not take the village out
> of the boy. Tim Tufuga.
> Noah
> On Mon, 25 Apr 2022, 16:40 ABDULKARIM OLOYEDE, <oloyede.aa at>
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have tried as much as possible not to make a comment but it seems I
>> have to comment on this as I would also be making a comment on the other
>> impunity the board leadership have decided to plunge AFRINIC into recently.
>> 1.  This timeline is not acceptable because I don't know how Co-chairs
>> would emerge via the use of the mailing list. It was tried last time what
>> we ended up having are impostors. Two people who claimed they emerged as
>> consensus candidates when some others on the mailing did not agree.  I see
>> no consensus in the process.  Then I object to criteria J. I see no
>> reason for this. Endorsement from resource members shows some form of
>> affiliation. co-chairs are not expected to be endorsed this way.
>> @OWEN: I hope i am not eligible to be a board member yet
>> Cheers
>> AK
>> On Sun, Apr 24, 2022 at 6:37 AM Owen DeLong via RPD <rpd at>
>> wrote:
>>> On Apr 23, 2022, at 09:09 , Daniel Yakmut via RPD <rpd at>
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Sylvain,
>>> You answered my questions,  we can do things when and how we like it. It
>>> clearly also shows that we can interpret laws and rules at our whims and
>>> caprices.
>>> As I can see the spirit of the letters of the CPM does not matter
>>> anymore.
>>> The world is a jungle indeed.
>>> With beliefs like this, you are now eligible to be a member of the
>>> AFRINIC board.
>>> Owen
>>> Simply,
>>> Daniel
>>> On Fri, 22 Apr 2022, 18:32 Sylvain Baya, <abscoco at> wrote:
>>>> Dear PDWG,
>>>> Hope this email finds you in good health!
>>>> Please see my comments below, inline...
>>>> Le vendredi 22 avril 2022, Daniel I. Yakmut via RPD <rpd at>
>>>> a écrit :
>>>>> Dear All,
>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>> Thanks for your email, brother!
>>>>> Have we amended the process of selecting/nominating/electing Co-Chairs
>>>>> now?
>>>> Please process are you refering to?
>>>> Remember that we had agreed that the procedure
>>>> available to replace PDWG's Chairs is very open;
>>>> and it's not seems to be a bug in the actual version
>>>>  (1.6) of the PDP [1].
>>>> __
>>>> [1]: <>
>>>> As you know, the appropriate words are: *choose*,
>>>> *nominate*, *select*, *selection*; and each of those
>>>>  correspond to a particular situation about PDWG
>>>> Chairs' tenure and replacement.
>>>> Of course, in case of a replacement after a full
>>>> mandate, the appropriate term is: "*nominate*
>>>> during the PPM". Is it preventing the PDWG to do
>>>> whatever it see fit before the PPM; in order to
>>>> ensure itself that the *nomination* is successfully
>>>> conducted during the up coming PPM?
>>>> That's the question!
>>>> <paste_CPM_section_3.3>
>>>> 3.3  The Policy Development Working Group (PDWG)
>>>> The Policy Development Working Group (PDWG) discusses the proposals.
>>>> Anyone may participate via the Internet or in person. PDWG work is carried
>>>> out through the Resource Policy Discussion mailing list (
>>>> rpd at and the bi-annual AFRINIC Public Policy Meetings
>>>> (PPM). Any person, participating either in person or remotely, is
>>>> considered to be part of the Policy Development Working Group.
>>>> The Policy Development Working Group has two Chairs to perform its
>>>> administrative functions. The PDWG Chairs are chosen by the AFRINIC
>>>> community during the Public Policy Meeting and serve staggered two-year
>>>> terms. The term ends during the first Public Policy Meeting corresponding
>>>> to the end of the term for which they were appointed. A term may begin or
>>>> end no sooner than the first day of the Public Policy Meeting and no later
>>>> than the last day of the Public Policy Meeting as determined by the mutual
>>>> agreement of the current Chair and the new Chair.
>>>> If the Working Group Chair is unable to serve his or her full term, the
>>>> Working Group may select a replacement to serve the remainder of the term.
>>>> If the Working Group Chairs are unable to attend the Public Policy Meeting,
>>>> the Working Group shall nominate a Chair for the session. Anyone present at
>>>> the meeting, whether in person or by remote participation, may participate
>>>> in the selection process for a temporary Chair.
>>>> </paste_CPM_section_3.3>
>>>>> Because the proposed activities and timeline looks extremely strange
>>>>> to me.
>>>> Please, could you elaborate on what you see as
>>>> strange?
>>>>> However, if I am missing something, please can i be referred to the
>>>>> reviewed (new) document that says we can now select/nominate/elect
>>>>> co-chairs on the mailing list.
>>>> It's clearly not about a formal document/DPP :-/
>>>> But if you want, feel free to propose a DPP to
>>>> clarify what appeares to be void into the running
>>>>  version of the CPM.
>>>> ...i agree that the *nomination* is done during the
>>>>  PPM, per CPM section 3.3, but what's preventing
>>>> the PDWG to consensually prepare its success
>>>> beforehand? It's exactely what's happening right
>>>> now, imho!
>>>> Please, see also early comment above.
>>>>> Someone like me is beginning to loose interest
>>>> ...i understand your say, and i sympatize, brother;
>>>> but i don't think it's actually the case.
>>>> It's rather a PDP flexibility which allows the PDWG
>>>> to consensually and freely do things that could ameliorate its
>>>> difficult conditions...
>>>>>  with us conducting our activities without a standing guide.
>>>> If you don't like that, still, interesting flexibility,
>>>> imho! then i encourage you to submit a DPP.
>>>> Clarifications on  is important and urgent.
>>>> ...i hope this clarifies something!
>>>> Also, i thank the Policy Liaison Team for the
>>>> welcomed support provided to the PDWG to
>>>> guarantee a soft transition to a new PDWG's Chair.
>>>> Shalom,
>>>> --sb.
>>>>> Simply,
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> On 21/04/2022 19:08, AFRINIC Policy Liaison wrote:
>>>>> *Dear PDWG,*
>>>>> *[...]*
>>>> --
>>>> Best Regards !
>>>> __
>>>> baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|<>
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>>>> __
>>>> #‎LASAINTEBIBLE‬|#‎Romains15‬:33«Que LE ‪#‎DIEU‬ de ‪#‎Paix‬ soit avec
>>>> vous tous! ‪#‎Amen‬!»
>>>> ‪#‎MaPrière‬ est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement‬
>>>> «Comme une biche soupire après des courants d’eau, ainsi mon âme
>>>> soupire après TOI, ô DIEU!»(#Psaumes42:2)
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