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[rpd] Last Call - RPKI ROAs for Unallocated and Unassigned AFRINIC Address Space AFPUB-2019-GEN-006-DRAFT03.

Owen DeLong owen at
Tue Jul 27 01:10:49 UTC 2021

There are lots of legitimate uses of IP addresses without having your own unique ASN.

The current board is one of the least transparent and least responsible in AFRINIC history.

They have utterly failed to read the governing documents as written, instead clinging to some belief system
that is not supported by the governing documents. They have allowed a CEO to remain in his position after
violating a court order putting them in a position of potentially being convicted of contempt of court.

They have insisted on carrying out an irresponsible war against a resource member based on their utter
inability to read their own governing documents as written.

If these so-called “lawless capitalists” are so lawless, then why is it that they are not the ones facing
potential criminal charges? If they are so lawless, why are the courts granting their every request
and rejecting AFRINIC’s opposition at virtually every turn?

Indeed, I would say that I have it exactly correct in calling this board irresponsible and I also have it
right about who is and is not following the law.

So, stop disrespecting those who oppose you and look beyond your ad hominem attacks and your
blind faith that the rules say what you want them to say and actually consider what is truly written
in the CPM, bylaws, and RSA.

I do not believe I have disrespected anyone beyond making factual accusations about their
behavior. If you consider my factual accusations about certain behaviors to be disrespectful, then
doesn’t that say more about the behaviors themselves than about my accusations?


> On Jul 24, 2021, at 01:46 , Arnaud AMELINA <amelnaud at> wrote:


> Cher Owen,


> Je pense que tu te trompe de cible en terme d'irresponsabilité. Ceux qui étaient au board au moment où Le Board aurait autorisé la remise de plusieurs millions d'adresses IP à une entreprise qui n'a même pas jugé utile d'avoir un ASN, sont les vrais irresponsables et ils se connaissent. Le Board actuel est l'un des plus responsable qu'on est eu. Car ils se battent pour la souveraineté des ressources africaines qui ont été capturé par un groupe de capitalistes sans foi ni loi qui ne pensent qu'à leur intérêt personnel soutenus par quelques frères africains corrompus.


> C'est ça la réalité, donc arrête tes insinuations et cesses de dénigrer et de manquer du respect à notre équipe du Board. C'est un comportement de Colon que tu es entrain d'avoir. Don arrête ça tu peut défendre ton client sans manquer du respect à ceux que la communauté à désigné pour défendre ses intérêts.


> À bon entendeur salut !


> --

> Arnaud


> Le sam. 24 juil. 2021 à 03:44, Owen DeLong via RPD <rpd at <mailto:rpd at>> a écrit :

> There’s a big difference between taking away the toys/weapons an irresponsible teenager already has (though I’m

> not sure that’s necessarily a bad idea at this point) and hading them new deadly weapons.


> This proposal seeks to hand them a new weapon with far greater and more damaging effect than any of the tools

> presently in their hands.


> Sure, we should look for ways to take away the BB guns, but handing them a Howitzer still remains irresponsible.


> The board can’t ratify this proposal if we never send it to them.


> Owen



>> On Jul 23, 2021, at 13:13 , JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at <mailto:rpd at>> wrote:


>> Should we then cancel all the CPM parts can be used in bad faith or wrongly? We need a policy proposal for that. And then the Board can decide not to ratify it …


>> Should also cancel the internal procedure that AFRINIC has designed for recovering resources. That is not in the scope “right now” of the policy manual, so we should set in-scope via a policy proposal. However, it looks like the Board could also decide not to ratify it …


>> Our problem is now a bigger one than this policy, that in the best case will take 8-9 months to be implemented.


>> In that time, we must make sure that the overal problem is resolved instead of investing in getting this policy down (and the full CPM down). It is a more wise usage of resources.


>> And if we believe that AFRINIC is acting against the community, at least I’m starting to believe that, lacking responses, then we should escalate to ICANN.


>> Regars,

>> Jordi


>> @jordipalet






>> El 23/7/21 21:51, "Owen DeLong" <owen at <mailto:owen at>> escribió:


>> Sure,


>> However, in the case of this specific policy which would allow RPKI to be weaponized by AFRINIC, I think it

>> is irresponsible to hand a loaded howitzer to an irresponsible teenager.


>> Owen




>>> On Jul 22, 2021, at 08:20 , JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at <mailto:rpd at>> wrote:


>>> Hi Owen,


>>> I don’t have all the details in my hands to judge if all was done correctly or not.


>>> Even if I trust you, I think we should agree that this is a major problem and not any specific policy.


>>> So, we should find the way to resolve that in a wider way, including a very clear and diligent responsivity from the board. Right now, I’ve been waiting for responses to my two previous emails from 14 and 15th July. I think one week is more than sufficient to respond.


>>> Regards,

>>> Jordi


>>> @jordipalet






>>> El 22/7/21 16:54, "Owen DeLong" <owen at <mailto:owen at>> escribió:






>>>> Begin forwarded message:


>>>> From: JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at <mailto:rpd at>>

>>>> Subject: Re: [rpd] Last Call - RPKI ROAs for Unallocated and Unassigned AFRINIC Address Space AFPUB-2019-GEN-006-DRAFT03.

>>>> Date: July 22, 2021 at 00:16:48 PDT

>>>> To: "rpd at <mailto:rpd at>" <rpd at <mailto:rpd at>>

>>>> Reply-To: JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <jordi.palet at <mailto:jordi.palet at>>


>>>> Hi Owen,


>>>> I don’t know, as many in the list, all the details and the real “true” (not one side, not the other), about the recent case.


>>>> However, what I can say is that AFRINIC indicated in this case, that they will keep the resources in use for additional 3 months so customers aren’t impacted.


>>> This was not true. Because of the way they modified whois, multiple providers started rejecting LOAs as invalid and disconnecting customers. As such, their superficial claim that they were preventing customers from being impacted was not accurate.




>>>> Following the policy text, this is exactly the same thing. If there is a disagreement and then a recovery, until the recovery is “final” (the 3 months I just mention) the resources will not be incorporated in the AS0.


>>> Yes, but you are now assuming that AFRINIC will follow their own rules. Had AFRINIC actually followed their own rules, they would not have attempted to terminate Cloud Innovation’s membership and would not have altered the WHOIS entries in question.




>>>> The recent case, demonstrated that it works, because in case of a dispute, you can still ask the courts, in the worst case, to take a position.


>>> If AFRINIC had acted responsibly and in compliance with their own rules, this would be true. Because AFRINIC does not follow its own rules and because AFRINIC was in such a rush to take adverse action the moment our injunction was temporarily lifted on a technicality, it is quite clear that they are willing to act in bad faith and contrary to their rules. So no, it does not work, because during the dispute AFRINIC chose to and was able to create substantial disruption to our customers while trying to pretend to the community that their hands were clean.


>>> Owen



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