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[rpd] Updates and Code of Conduct

sisoko daze sisokodaze at
Fri Apr 16 17:50:06 UTC 2021

i totally agree with Fernando and Lucilla

On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 11:32 PM Fernando Frediani <fhfrediani at>

> Hello Eddy


> It is admirable the clarity and politeness of your messages. I believe

> most people trust you are doing everything you are doing during these

> difficult times for PDWG in good faith to get things back on track again.


> However I cannot be silent about the growing number of questionable

> attitudes the Board has been taking in the believe they have the power to

> sort out all these matters. If they are receiving exotic legal counseling

> from a single person and taking it as absolute truth just because the

> person is a "licensed person to do that job" and this only worse the view

> many are having about the Board intentions towards PDWG.


> How come the Board believe they can regulate this via the ToR ? This is a

> question for the PDWG to adjust the CPM and make it more clear, but not the

> Board.

> All Board can do is to interpret the CPM about the provisions for the

> Appeal Committee, and if they said already that in their interpretation is

> that Committee can only work with all 5 members then the only thing that

> remains for them to do is to select 2 new people to fill the vacant

> positions. But they cannot not create new rules for it. That must be done

> exclusively by PDWG under the due process amending the CPM where necessary.

> What if soon PDWG chooses to change the CPM and that conflicts with what

> is in the ToR ? What will worth more ?


> I urge the Board members to stop doing questionable actions like this and

> perhaps review the person who is giving these legal counseling or get

> someonelese's view on such difficult and complex subjects in order to let

> PDWG do its mission.


> Fernando

> On 15/04/2021 12:10, Eddy Kayihura wrote:


> Dear Colleagues,




> I would like to make a few announcements and share a perspective on what we

> , at AFRINIC, have been observing for some time.



> 1. The onboarding of the Co-chairs has started and is progressing

> well. It is planned to conclude mid next week and please expect a

> communication from them late next week.

> 2. The Board passed a resolution yesterday to address the Appeal

> Committee ToR challenge and let the committee to operate with the three

> remaining members. (Resolution 202104.606)

> <>




> It is with deep concern that I read the email from Dr Abdulkarim Oloyede

> including a personal attack on the honesty and integrity of our Policy

> Liaison colleagues and I believe an apology is in order.




> The 8th point of the Code of Conduct (VIII. Act in the best interests of

> the AFRINIC community at all times.) has generally been overlooked and that

> I wish to emphasize it with an illustrative fictive story.




> Three friends have invested together into a restaurant business. They

> hired a manager, who recruited a team to provide services in the new

> restaurant that is successful very quickly. After some time, one of the

> shareholders who often eats at the restaurant starts throwing food on the

> floor, breaking windows and glasses at times and eventually slaps an

> employee.




> I guess that I do not need to go further in my story and you understand

> what I am picturing here. We, at AFRINIC, are dedicated to serve you with

> the utmost excellence, passion and integrity.




> As much as AFRINIC is a community-driven organization with openness

> principles and bottom-up processes, for a smooth running of our proceedings

> we all ought to abide by a basic code of conduct which is currently being

> reviewed

> <>

> and your contributions are welcome.




> We are all human and may err at times and I would like to remind you that

> justified complaints about staff or even myself can either be channelled

> through ceo at or through the whistleblower portal at:

> The Board has visibility on the

> report about tickets raised through the external whistleblower system.




> We have observed lately different levels of breach of code of conduct on

> the rpd list and remained silent for the sake of solving the unprecedented

> situation in which we found ourselves. However, this one is too loud for us

> to ignore it.




> For sanity’s sake, I call upon the Co-chairs to deal with the Code of

> Conduct matter with the seriousness it requires.




> Regards,




> Eddy Kayihura






> ……………………………………………….




> Chers collègues,




> J'aimerais faire quelques annonces et partager une perspective sur ce que

> nous observons sur la liste RPD depuis un certain temps.



> 1. L'intégration des coprésidents a commencé et progresse bien. Il est

> prévu qu'il se termine au milieu de la semaine prochaine et nous attendons

> une communication de leur part à la fin de la semaine prochaine.

> 2. Le conseil d'administration a adopté hier une résolution visant à

> ce que le comité d'appel fonctionne avec les trois membres restants. (Resolution

> 202104.606) <>




> C'est avec une profonde préoccupation que j'ai lu le courriel du Dr

> Abdulkarim Oloyede, qui contenait une attaque personnelle contre

> l'honnêteté et l'intégrité de nos collègues du Policy Liaison team. Je

> pense que ce mail requiet des excuses de sa part.




> Le huitième point du Code de conduite (VIII. Act in the best interests of

> the AFRINIC community at all times) a généralement été négligé et je

> souhaite l'illustrer à travers une histoire fictive.




> Trois amis ont investi ensemble dans un restaurant. Ils ont engagé un

> manager, qui a recruté une équipe pour fournir des services dans le nouveau

> restaurant qui connaît un succès très rapide. Au bout d'un certain temps,

> l'un des actionnaires, qui mange souvent au restaurant, commence à jeter de

> la nourriture par terre, à briser parfois des vitres et des verres et finit

> par gifler un employé.




> Je suppose que je n'ai pas besoin d'aller plus loin dans mon histoire et

> que vous comprenez mon dessin. A AFRINIC, nous sommes engagés à vous servir

> avec excellence, passion et intégrité.




> Bien qu’AFRINIC soit une organisation à caractère communautaire, avec des

> principes d'openness et des processus ascendants, pour le bon déroulement

> de nos activités, nous devrions tous nous conformer à un code de conduite

> de base qui est actuellement en cours de révision

> <>et

> vos contributions sont les bienvenues.




> Nous sommes tous humains et nous pouvons parfois commettre des erreurs. Je

> tiens à vous rappeler que les plaintes justifiées à l'encontre du personnel

> ou même de moi-même peuvent être transmises à ceo at ou au

> travers du portail whistleblower à l'adresse suivante :

> Le conseil d'administration a une

> visibilité sur le rapport concernant les tickets soulevés par le système de

> dénonciation externe.




> Nous avons observé dernièrement différents niveaux de violation du code de

> conduite sur la liste des RPD et nous avons gardé le silence afin de

> résoudre la situation sans précédent dans laquelle nous nous trouvions.

> Cependant, celle-ci crie trop fort pour que nous puissions l'ignorer.




> En toute conscience, je demande aux co-présidents de traiter la question

> du code de conduite avec le sérieux qu'elle requiert.




> Cordialement,




> Eddy Kayihura


> Directeur Général d'AFRINIC




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