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[rpd] Call for interest for PDWG chairs

Ibeanusi Elvis ibeanusielvis at
Fri Apr 2 16:07:28 UTC 2021

Dear AFRINIC Policy Liaison,

Personally, it seems to me that the AFRINIC Policy Liaison is only focused
on the Eligibility Criteria G and if you have heard, collected and
processed the feedbacks of the PDWG members as stated, first you should
notice that Criteria G is not the only one that the membership had issues
with, and those issues or concerns should be dealt with and not just saying
that the members that “the PDWG members whom objected should...agree among
themselves on the usage of the criteria so that the PDWG can establish the
best way forward and be mindful of the timelines.” Just rewording or
editing criteria G does not automatically make an impressive impact or
change everything. There are other criteria that were being objected to by
members like Criteria C and D; one of the reason is that this list of
eligibility criteria limits people from being eligible and qualified to be
nominated and to contest likewise it goes against the core values and
principles of the AFRINIC and the internet community which are: Openness,
Inclusiveness and Fairness.
Additionally, the timeline of the given for the election is too short and
very fast, seems like AFRINIC is choking the election down our throat. To
be simple, why don’t we just follow the criteria we already have in the CPM
Section 3.3?


On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 22:08 AFRINIC Policy Liaison <
policy-liaison at> wrote:


















> * Dear PDWG, The policy liaison team has shared with the PDWG members the

> latest list of criteria based on the discussions on the list here:


> <> We have heard,

> collected and processed all feedback that the PDWG members have provided on

> the list as a facilitator here is what we have taken note of: - There are

> still members of the PDWG who have raised concerns on one or more of the

> criteria. We kindly remind the PDWG members that there is still room for

> proposing amendments, introducing new criteria, or removing existing

> criteria. - Some PDWG members have objected to using the list as

> criteria for eligibility and proposed using them as guidelines for the

> selection of candidates instead. We kindly ask the PDWG members to agree

> among themselves on the usage of the criteria so that the PDWG can

> establish the best way forward and be mindful of the timelines. At the

> same time, we also encourage PDWG members interested in the co-chairs

> positions to respond to the call for interest. Regards Policy Liaison Team

> ……………………………………………………………. Cher PDWG, Le policy liaison team a partagé avec

> les membres du PDWG la dernière liste de critères basée sur les discussions

> de la liste ici :

> <>. Nous avons

> entendu, collecté et traité tous les commentaires que les membres du PDWG

> ont fournis sur la liste en tant que facilitateur ; voici ce dont nous

> avons pris note : Il y a encore des membres du PDWG qui ont soulevé des

> préoccupations sur un ou plusieurs critères. Nous rappelons aux membres du

> PDWG qu'il est encore possible de proposer des amendements, d'introduire de

> nouveaux critères ou de supprimer des critères existants. Certains

> membres du PDWG se sont opposés à l'utilisation de la liste de critères

> comme critères d'éligibilité et ont proposé de les utiliser plutôt comme

> lignes directrices pour la sélection des candidats. Nous demandons aux

> membres du PDWG de se mettre d'accord sur l'utilisation des critères afin

> que le PDWG puisse établir la meilleure façon de procéder et respecter les

> délais. Dans le même temps, nous encourageons également les membres du PDWG

> intéressés par les postes de coprésidents à répondre à l'appel à

> manifestation d'intérêt. *



> Nos salutations


> *Policy Liaison Team*

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