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[rpd] [Community-Discuss] clarification requested from AFRINIC

Madhvi Gokool madhvi at
Wed Mar 3 11:01:00 UTC 2021

Hello Jordi /PDWG

On 03/03/2021 1:52 PM, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via Community-Discuss wrote:

> Hi all,


> Today, during the APNIC51 meeting, in the Global Reports session (, as usual, there was a presentation from every RIR, including AFRINIC.


> In this presentation from AFRINIC, there have been two "imprecisions". I prefer to use this wording instead of something stronger, because to me those are very severe issues. I've asked in the Q&A to get this publicly clarified and it was not done.


> AFRINIC MUST publicly acknowledge the mistakes.


> 1) It was explained that the AFRINIC PDWG co-chairs resigned. You can see it at the end of the presentation.


The AFRINIC staff corrected the initial statement made in his 
presentation and mentioned that the Co-chairs were recalled in the Q&A



> 2) It has been said that one of the policy proposals that reached consensus hasn't been sent to the Board for ratification, which is not true, as discussed in the RPD mailing list. The co-chairs did send the policy to the Board, but the Board decided to ignore it, because it looks like they want the chairs to follow a format that has never been enforced before and it has not been approved by the community, neither the PDP.

> See slide 6 at

i) The PDWG is under the impression from a previous correspondence of
the now ex-co chair AbdulKarim that the co-chairs  had already sent the
ratification reports to the Board.

ii) There were requests on the rpd mailing list to the outgoing
co-chairs to share the mails that they have sent to the Board with the
PDWG  and there were no responses. 

iii) The Board Chair informed the community on 14 Feb 2021  that the
report for ratification was not received.

iv) It is incorrect to mention that the Board wanted the chairs to
follow a specific format. This is a misinterpretation of the information
provided by the Policy Liaison to the mailing list  in regard to the



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