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[rpd] Selecting WG Co-Chairs: Was Re: Can a Consensual Decision of the PDWG Violate the PDP? (was: Report from Recall Committee)

Mirriam mirriamlauren at
Fri Feb 26 11:47:10 UTC 2021

The process you talk about is what is said to be broken so I wonder what process you are referring to?
What I heard was to get input from the community, so why are you rejecting valid input without discussion ?
Meanwhile objections to your proposal are not addressed. 
Remember even using the Rpd list for voting last year did not have consensus. Rpd list is for discussion and not voting.
It is these kinds of filtering, decisive dampening of initiatives that brought pdp to this situation. We remember your tenure as chairman well and as a former chairman you would do well to support the board do it's work well.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 9:02 PM, Sunday Folayan<sfolayan at> wrote: Hi Alain,

The Working group found itself in a situation that though difficult,
will help it reorganize and be  better.

The group is now in the middle of a process, and it is pre-emptive at
this stage to say "it is clearer that the WG is unable to self-organize
at this point"

I do not support this form of abdication on the bases of precedence due
to some other not-so-similar extraordinary situations. How many people,
and how many policies were in discussions then? Very very few!

Going this route will indeed becomes a stronger precedence much harder
to break.

I urge you to please wait for the process to fail, then you will be
fully justified, and I will gladly support this option.


On 2/25/21 3:08 PM, ALAIN AINA via RPD wrote:

> Hello,


> In the past when the policy development process faced unforeseen situations in appointing moderators group or co-cochairs, board has stepped in and appointed interims.


> These appointments even included community consensus led by board chair.


> In 2008




> In 2010




> Board has the ultimate and fiduciary responsibilities  in making sure the RIR fulfill its role and in the best way...


> I would encourage board to act as it is clearer that the WG is unable to self-organize at this point.


> We have a bunch of experienced and trusted people, who have served in different role or are known to be capable.



> -Alain


>> On 21 Feb 2021, at 10:26, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at> wrote:


>> Hi SM,


>> No, my question is not about the CPM/PDP text. I think it is clear for everybody the distinction there between "AFRINIC organization/membership" vs "AFRINIC community/PDWG".


>> My question is about the Board interpretation of the Article 11.4 of the bylaws. Is the Board understanding that they can (in urgent situations, such as the one we are facing) adopt policies only related to Resources or also policies that not being related to resources but modifying the PDP?


>> Regards,

>> Jordi

>> @jordipalet




>> El 21/2/21 11:10, "S. Moonesamy" <sm+af at> escribió:


>>    Dear Mr Palet,

>>    At 12:28 AM 21-02-2021, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via board wrote:

>>> I've asked the board (copied again, because we didn't get a

>>> response), to confirm if their interpretation of Article 11.4 will

>>> allow that. Can the Board please confirm?

>>    There is the following in the Policy Development Process: "Internet

>>    number resource policies are distinctly separate from AfriNIC general

>>    business practices and procedures. General business practices and

>>    procedures are not within the purview of the Policy Development

>>    Process."  Was your question related to Internet number resource policies?


>>    Regards,

>>    S. Moonesamy


>>    Board Chair, AFRINIC





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