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[rpd] We should be fair

Paul Wollner paul.wollner at
Sat Feb 20 11:37:12 UTC 2021

Dear Community:

I am writing to you just present a possible thought process based on recent publicly available fact:

1. Two appeal community members have resigned within a week apart

2. One of them which publicly accused her peers of improper behavior.

3. AC is a voluntary job, with zoom meetings compromising of a few hours a month at most, each meeting will have 5 AC member plus supporting staff from AFRINIC represented, and presumably, recorded in the same time.

4. Chair of the board, without consent decision from the whole board, decided unilaterally to request AC stop working based on the resignation alone.

5. We see 3-2 vote in AC’s minutes.

While I am not denying the possibility of allegations can be found, I find it hard to believe the remaining 3 AC members, with their past credentials and experience, will CONSTANTLY behave improperly during a few hours a month zoom call (As an occasional bad joke shouldn’t count towards Wafa’s allegation as “continue working and engaging bearing inappropriate behaviour of some members of the committee”), and nothing can be found in the published minutes.

Is it a possibility that someone who is dissatisfied with the past or upcoming appeal results are trying to influence the AC’s work in the middle of the process?

For the integrity of the process and to be fair to all parties, I would suggest the following:

1. AC continues finish the currant appeal that is in process and publish its report.

2. Board appoints an investigation committee after above process is finalised and make a public report on the allegations. Since these are serious and public allegations, so should the results be of the investigation. We should take serious action prevent the said person in engaging in community work again. If nothing is found, we should also make it clear to the world that it was an unfound accusation and it was of malicious intent in nature.

3. If possible, AFRINIC should publish the recorded zoom meeting video file for the public to review.


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