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[rpd] ratified policies - something missing so they are in the agenda of the board?

Tue Feb 9 08:46:10 UTC 2021

Dear co-chairs and staff,

A few weeks ago, there was a discussion about the policies that reached consensus, missing a report from the chairs and a request to the board to ratify them.

The CPM states:

" 3.4.4 Approval
The Working Group Chair(s) shall recommend the draft policy to the AFRINIC Board of Directors for approval if it has the consensus of the Policy Development Working Group. The recommendation shall include a report of the discussions of the draft policy and feedback from the Last Call. The draft policy shall be ratified by the AFRINIC Board of Directors. "

There were 2 policies that reached consensus, one is under appeal, but this is not relevant for the chairs, because they decided about the consensus and they should have done *one* report (for each policy) recommending the ratification to the board.

I believe that this MUST be resolved by the co-chairs before they leave, if the board decided to adopt the RC report, because this should have been done long time ago.

So, questions for the chairs:
1) Have you checked with the staff if there is an internal procedure to follow about that?
2) Can you confirm that this ratification report has been send to the board following that procedure?
3) If not, can you do it immediately?
4) Can you copy, either 2 or 3 to the RPD list?

Questions for the staff:
a) There is an internal procedure for that?
b) Have the chairs got the relevant instructions?
c) Can you copy to the RPD list on a and b above?

I will also ask to previous cochairs, to explain how they did in previous occasions, so we can have light on the matter.



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