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Ibeanusi Elvis ibeanusielvis at
Thu Sep 17 06:38:43 UTC 2020

Hello community,

In regards to this issue, I agree with everyone on this, I believe that the
co-chairs need to find a means to properly allocate time, and therefore
ensuring a great amount of participation from the microphone queue. If
being strict on time for speakers will be best, I am in support of this. We
need more vocal participation for discussions and arguments to be laid out
during the PPM. As we will commence today's meeting, I anticipate that this
issue of participants being kicked out of the microphone queue could and
would be resolved.


On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 1:55 PM lucilla fornaro <
lucillafornarosawamoto at> wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> Yes, I agree with you. I have been kicked out of the queue several times

> without a reason. I don’t think technical difficulties were the real issue,

> or at least not the main cause. There was not proper time-management, and

> some speakers took most of it.

> I hope today there will be more respect for everyone and the opportunity

> to speak.


> Lucilla


> Il giorno gio 17 set 2020 alle ore 10:22 Marius Andioc via RPD <

> rpd at> ha scritto:


>> Bonjour à tous,


>> Je souhaite aussi faire part de mon désarroi concernant les temps de

>> paroles et la queue. J'ai pu être retiré à plusieurs reprises de celle-ci

>> lorsque certains monopolisaient le temps de parole. Serait-il possible de

>> s'assurer que un maximum de personnes puisse faire part de leur opinion, et

>> que les commentaires soient concis? Je pense que les règles de concision et

>> de respect du temps de parole ne s'appliquent pas qu'au présentateurs.


>> Bonne journée,


>> Marius


>> Le 17 sept. 2020 04:45, Emem William <dwizard65 at> a écrit :


>> Dear all,


>> I trust everyone here is doing great.

>> I want to call the attention of the community to the unfortunate incident

>> that occurred in today's PDWG meeting with regards to the microphone queue.


>> I noticed that very few speakers were allowed to utilize almost all the

>> duration of the commenting time irrespective of the fact that the

>> microphone queue had more members, especially during the Policy Compliance

>> Dashboard discussion. I, alongside other participants were constantly

>> removed from the microphone queue and all our efforts to rejoin ended in

>> fiasco, perhaps due to time constraints.


>> I suggest that the time allocated to each comment on the microphone queue

>> in subsequent meetings should be adjusted with respect to the number of

>> people on the queue so as to give room for atleast 90% of the participants

>> on the queue without encroaching on time allocated for other discussions or

>> presentations.

>> I would like it if the Co-chairs could do this in the interest of all.


>> A million thanks.


>> Regards,

>> Emem William



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