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Emem William dwizard65 at
Wed Sep 16 19:45:55 UTC 2020

Dear all,

I trust everyone here is doing great.
I want to call the attention of the community to the unfortunate incident
that occurred in today's PDWG meeting with regards to the microphone queue.

I noticed that very few speakers were allowed to utilize almost all the
duration of the commenting time irrespective of the fact that the
microphone queue had more members, especially during the Policy Compliance
Dashboard discussion. I, alongside other participants were constantly
removed from the microphone queue and all our efforts to rejoin ended in
fiasco, perhaps due to time constraints.

I suggest that the time allocated to each comment on the microphone queue
in subsequent meetings should be adjusted with respect to the number of
people on the queue so as to give room for atleast 90% of the participants
on the queue without encroaching on time allocated for other discussions or
I would like it if the Co-chairs could do this in the interest of all.

A million thanks.

Emem William
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