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[rpd] Larus foundation and Afrinic PDP

Owen DeLong owen at
Sun Mar 1 03:08:10 UTC 2020

Confused by your statement that “attempting to influence people’s opinions about policies is an abuse of the PDP.”

As to my opinion of Jordi’s proposal, I think some portions of it have merit, but the devil is in the details. I have no interest in engaging in a public discussion of the finer points on this mater, however, as I have no real dog in that fight. I do not believe that Jordi’s proposal would increase transparency or significantly improve the quality of our fellowship program.


> On Feb 29, 2020, at 08:17 , Marcus K. G. Adomey <madomey at> wrote:


> Hi Owen,


> You wrote


> "I am confused… The entire purpose of this list is for us to discuss and attempt to influence people’s opinions about policies. The only way we can ever come to consensus is by influencing people’s opinions through discussion."



> Confused with all which has been said on this thread?


> Can you please respond to the question in the message [1] It will help us move on.


> Thanks




> Marcus


> [1] <>










> From: Owen DeLong <owen at>

> Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 12:50 AM

> To: Marcus K. G. Adomey <madomey at>

> Cc: Noah <noah at>; AfriNIC Resource Policy Discussion List <rpd at>

> Subject: Re: [rpd] Larus foundation and Afrinic PDP


> > Lastly, I thought the abuse of the PDP exposed and discussed here is about a certain company influencing people views and opinions in a PDP, where contributions are from individuals and views and opinions are only theirs.


> I am confused… The entire purpose of this list is for us to discuss and attempt to influence people’s opinions about policies. The only way we can ever come to consensus is by influencing people’s opinions through discussion.


> That is the PDP, not an abuse of the PDP. Please explain the abuse to me.


> Owen

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