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[rpd] Larus Foundation and Afrinic PDP

Owen DeLong owen at
Wed Feb 19 22:03:36 UTC 2020

You again claim that the message:

Is evidence of the bias of Larus educational materials provided to fellows for the Kampala meeting.

However, the message is not evidence, it is an accusation.

The educational materials in question: <>

Are prepared quite neutral and not intended to condition anyone to any particular policy position, but rather to provide a brief summary of the proposal and
the debate up to the point when the materials were prepared.

If you believe there are inaccuracies or bias, please point them out. I know that there was one person who pointed out that they had been misquoted (though
not in a way that significantly altered the meaning of their comments) and we apologized for the error (it was an error, not a deliberate act).

While it is true that the summary content from the mailing list was curated for brevity, we did make every effort to capture useful comments from both sides.

If I recall correctly, there was a later message in which Larus provided a clean copy of the materials, but I’m not easily finding it at the moment. (The scanned
copy is rather badly scanned and nearly illegible in some areas.)


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