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[rpd] End of LAST call

Wed Jan 29 10:35:46 UTC 2020

Dear PDWG,
The following policy proposals have been on the Last call for about 4 weeks
1. Multihoming not required for ASN
2. Adjusting IPv6 PA Policy
3. RPKI ROAs for Unallocated and Unassigned AFRINIC Address Space

However, we received some critical objections that should be addressed on
the policy named "RPKI ROAs for Unallocated and Unassigned AFRINIC Address
Space" therefore we believe it requires more discussion.

In the meantime, we shall be processing the two policies below for AFRINIC
Board approval and we have now declared the End of last call on them as no
objection was raised
1. Multihoming not required for ASN
2. Adjusting IPv6 PA Policy

Thank you

PDWG Co-Chairs

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