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[rpd] AFPUB-2019-IPv6-002-DRAFT01: "Adjusting IPv6 PA Policy"

Tue Nov 5 07:31:26 UTC 2019

Hi Sylvain,

El 5/11/19 7:41, "Sylvain BAYA" <abscoco at> escribió:

Hi all,

Le mardi 5 novembre 2019, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at> a écrit :

Hi all,

Find attached a pdf with this policy proposal.

Dear Jordi,

Thanks for this new DPP (Draft Policy Proposal) ;-)

Please, let me know any questions/inputs.

Replace this «[...]section removed and following text renumbered[...]» by this one «[...]Remove

the section and renumber the following text[...]»

The rational of the above line is to propose a clear operational action to be executed by the

CPM/DPP's editor.

As you see, i have used the same syntax ;-)

My hope is that, it becomes an habit for the DPP's authors.

I understand your point, but this is editorial issues, that we can change at any time. Remember that this text doesn’t go into the policy manual, so is not “that much important”. If we discuss every word in a policy proposal, then we can never reach consensus!

Of course, I don’t mind changing it, if, there is a need for other reasons to do a new version. Will you agree on that?

During the meeting, we can also, being an editorial comment, change it, and ask consensus with that text. I just need to remind that when doing the slides … I hope I can remember it!

...i also have a naive question : please, is an IXP considered as a LIR (CPM section 2.3) ? :-/

No, in fact the main reason we changed in the last round the IPv6 PI (end users), is because the previous policy was broken: it was mandating IXPs to announce the space, which they don’t do, so the risk was that they aren’t following the policy and thus can get the space reclaimed per the RSA.







Best Regards !

baya.sylvain [AT cmNOG DOT cm] |

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