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[rpd] Comment on Alain's comment at the microphone

Daniel Yakmut yakmutd at
Wed May 9 16:16:10 UTC 2018

An appeal committee has given us a verdict. The authors as rightly stated by Andrew, should respond to the non-consensus reason.

or Possibly the proposal has reach its end of life, the authors should discard it. But if they feel strongly for it, I will suggest the issues raised by objections raised should be addressed.

The appeal committee only faulted the process, so i suspect they cannot give a line by line comment of the policy itself.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Alston" <Andrew.Alston at>
To: "AfriNIC Resource Policy" <rpd at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 4:55:52 PM
Subject: [rpd] Comment on Alain's comment at the microphone


It is true that a competing policy was proposed – because we did not agree on the statement of problem – in fact – they are diametrically opposed. There was simply no common ground – and the withdrawal of the policy was to take us to a compromise position. 

Secondly – I stated that the authors should look at the appeal committee document. The appeal committee document lists a multitude of objections – and I have no need to rehash all of those objections while the objections in that document go un-addressed. 

Thirdly – On Nii Quaynor’s statement – that if someone cannot help a policy they should shut up. That is entirely inaccurate – because if we as a community feel that a policy is unnecessary or believe in a diametrically opposed viewpoint – then we cannot argue that we should make a policy work that we fundamentally disagree with right down to the problem statement. 


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