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[rpd] Appeal Committee Terms of Reference (Version 1)

John Hay jhay at
Thu Aug 10 08:12:20 UTC 2017

Not all feel the way you do. Also I do not agree that we should be
attacking people.

In terms of Owen, he is part of the "community" just by the fact that he is
participating. As are the rest of you. :-) From:

"Number Resource management policies are developed through an open Policy
Development Process
There is no specific requirement to participate in the PDP. Anyone can
propose and discuss policy proposals irrespective
of geographicallocation,gender and race."

"3.2.1 Openness

All policies are developed in an open forum in which anyone may
participate. There are no qualifications for participation."

If you are really interested in who Owen is working for, he did say a few
emails back. :-)

John Hay

On 9 August 2017 at 23:48, Boubakar Barry <boubakarbarry at> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 9:02 PM, Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:
> Deleted previous posts of this thread, but my post applies to other
> threads you (Owen) has "contributed" to recently.
> Do you think you are the messiah Africa was waiting for to save us? You
> are too intrusive! If you want to support this community, you should be
> humble and send  _constructive_ posts.
> There are hundreds if not thousands of the global Internet community
> members out there who are following these discussions but are wise enough
> to not interfere like you do. It's called sense of responsibility, if this
> word has a meaning to you.
> Again, I urge you to be humble and listen to the people who are most
> concerned/affected by AfriNIC policies.
> Learn from friends of AfriNIC who contribute to the discussions but
> refrain themselves to be involved in sensitive "internal" issues.
> BTW: sorry to ask about it (feel free to ignore), but I would like to know
> if you are self-employed or on the payroll of a company. If it's the
> latter, I would as that company be very worried about your actions in this
> space. Unless that company shares your views; could be.
> You can of course respond that it's your personal opinion. But everyone
> knows that these opinions have impact one's company's reputation. If I have
> a staff who does publicly and consistently share views that are not inline
> with the company's values, I would just fire him/her if no ability to
> comply with the company/organisation's values.
> Boubakar
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