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[rpd] Policy Proposal Update - IPv4 Soft Landing-bis

Owen DeLong owen at
Fri Aug 26 15:46:41 UTC 2016

No matter what policy we adopt, as the free pool shrinks, we will reach a time when some last two requests empty the remaining free pool. 

If those requests represent a legitimate need for addresses, then this is an expected result that has been coming with more than 15 years warning and I do not see a problem. 

Denying addresses to the customers of one organization in order to keep them so that some other organization can possibly get them later makes no sense to me. 


> On Aug 25, 2016, at 23:18, Mark Tinka <mark.tinka at> wrote:
> On 26/Aug/16 07:51, Jackson Muthili wrote:
>> using current process it is possible for one or two large company to
>> completely exhaust our pool in one single request. a review is needed
>> to prevent such situation.
> How does one measure a "large" company?
> Mark.
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