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[rpd] New Proposal - "IPv4 Resources transfer within the AFRINIC Region (AFPUB-2016-V4-003-DRAFT01)"

CTO RENU cto at
Thu May 26 12:45:09 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Some clarity needed on 3.3.3, and "3.2: Conditions on a recipient of the transfer"

3.3.3: Source entities must not have received a transfer, allocation, or assignment of IPv4 number resources from AFRINIC for the 12 months prior to the approval of transfer request.

Should a recipient from a source other than AFRINIC be a source in another transfer 12 months later ?

Many a time the resources acquired never get used up in the stipulated time period.

Kind regards,

Nicholas Mbonimpa

----- Original Message -----
From: "McTim" <dogwallah at>
To: "Seun Ojedeji" <seun.ojedeji at>
Cc: "rpd" <rpd at>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2016 10:16:15 AM
Subject: Re: [rpd] New Proposal - "IPv4 Resources transfer within the AFRINIC Region (AFPUB-2016-V4-003-DRAFT01)"


I refreshed my memory of it at:

The draft policy shall be available for review for at least four weeks
before the next Public Policy Meeting. The author(s) shall make the
necessary changes to the draft policy according to the feedback
received. The Working Group Chair(s) may request AfriNIC to provide an
analysis, technical, financial, legal or other, of the impact of the
draft policy.

If I recall correctly the intent of this clause was to NOT allow last
minute (ok, last month ;-) proposals, so the WG would have some time
to dwell on proposals before a meeting.  Perhaps the author(s) of the
PDP can remind of of why we have this clause?  I may have
misremembered this as well as the time frame.

See you in Botswana Bwana!

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 9:54 PM, Seun Ojedeji <seun.ojedeji at> wrote:
> Hello McTim,
> On item 2, There is a "4 weeks" discussion period requirement so in this
> particular case the policy will not be eligible for consensus considerations
> in Gaborone. However, we intend to place it on our agenda to discuss it (to
> the extent that time permits) in Gaborone.
> Regards
> PDWG Co-Chairs
> Sent from my LG G4
> Kindly excuse brevity and typos
> On 25 May 2016 19:31, "McTim" <dogwallah at> wrote:
>> Hi Sami, All,
>> 2 things:
>> 1. I can support this policy, with a few minor tweaks (3.2.2 is redundant
>> and also vague as to what the NIC might require for example).
>> 2.  Is this policy proposal eligible for discussion in Gaborone?  If I
>> recall correctly there is a policy proposal deadline (6 weeks?) before a
>> face to face meeting.
>> Regards,
>> McTim
>> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 12:25 PM, SamiSalih <sami at> wrote:
>>> Dear AfriNIC Members,
>>> The PWDG received a new policy Proposal as follow:
>>> Detailed Information
>>> Draft Policy name: IPv4 Resources transfer within the AFRINIC Region
>>> Unique identifier: AFPUB-2016-V4-003-DRAFT01
>>> Status: Under Discussion
>>> Submission Date: May 23, 2016
>>> Authors:
>>> - Ali Hadji, Comores Telecoms
>>> - Komi Elitcha
>>> - Damnam Kanlanfei BAGOLIBE
>>> - Patrick GH, NIC CIS
>>> - Nicholas Mbonimpa, RENU
>>> - Alain P. AINA, WACREN
>>> Url:
>>> Text Below:
>>> 1)Summary of the Problem Being Addressed by this Policy Proposal
>>> Like the other Regional Internet Registries, AFRINIC will soon exhaust
>>> its IPv4 pool. In order to meet the needs of late resource requestors, a
>>> transfer policy for IPv4 resources within the region is needed. The goal of
>>> this policy is to define conditions under which transfers must occur.
>>> 2) Summary of How this Proposal Addresses the Problem
>>> The Policy solves the issue of an African organisation needing IPv4
>>> number resources after the exhaustion of the AFRINIC IPv4 pool or when
>>> AFRINIC can no longer satisfy the needs of such an organization.
>>> 3) The Proposal
>>> This policy (IPv4 Soft Landing), applies to the management of address
>>> space that will be available to AfriNIC after the current IPv4 pool is
>>> depleted. The purpose of this document is to ensure that address space is
>>> assigned and/or allocated in a manner that is acceptable to the AfriNIC
>>> community especially during this time of IPv4 exhaustion.
>>> 3.1) This policy takes effect as from phase 2 of the IPv4 soft landing
>>> policy (AFPUB-2010-v4-005) or its successor.
>>> 3.2) Both the source entity and recipient must be AFRINIC members.
>>> 3.3) Conditions on the source of the transfer:
>>> 3.3.1 The source must be the current rightful holder of the IPv4 address
>>> resources recognised by AFRINIC, and not be involved in any dispute as to
>>> the status of those resources.
>>> 3.3.2 Source entities will not be eligible to receive any further IPv4
>>> address allocations or assignments from AFRINIC for a period of 12 months
>>> after a transfer approval.
>>> 3.3.3 Source entities must not have received a transfer, allocation, or
>>> assignment of IPv4 number resources from AFRINIC for the 12 months prior to
>>> the approval of transfer request. This restriction excludes Mergers and
>>> Acquisitions transfers.
>>> 3.2 Conditions on the recipient of the transfer:
>>> 3.2.1 AFRINIC has to approve the recipients need for the IPv4 number
>>> resources. In order for an organisation to qualify for receiving a transfer,
>>> it must first go through the process of justifying its IPv4 resource needs
>>> before AFRINIC. That is to say, the organisation must justify before AFRINIC
>>> its initial/additional allocation/assignment usage, as applicable, according
>>> to the policies in force.
>>> 3.2.2 The recipient must be a member of AFRINIC and must meet any  other
>>> requirements defined by AFRINIC.
>>> 3.2.3 The Recipient will be subject to current AFRINIC policies and sign
>>> the RSA for the resources being received.
>>> 3.2.4 Recipients must demonstrate the need for up to a 12-month supply of
>>> IPv4 address space.
>>> 4.0 Revision History
>>>  24 May 2016: First Draft AFPUB-2016-V4-003-DRAFT01 Posted on RPD list
>>> 5.0 References
>>> AFPUB-2010-v4-005:
>>> Discussions are taking place on the policy working group mailing list if
>>> you want to subscribe to the mailing send your subscription request to
>>> rpd-request [at] with 'Subscribe' as subject line
>>> ________________________________
>>> Mailing list archives can be found at
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Seun Ojedeji
>>> Sami Salih
>>> AfriNIC PDWG Co-Chairs
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> RPD mailing list
>>> RPD at
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> McTim
>> "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route
>> indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel
>> _______________________________________________
>> RPD mailing list
>> RPD at


"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel

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