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[rpd] [Spam] Re: Some thoughts, and some actions required

Keshwarsingh Nadan Keshwarsingh.Nadan at
Sun Feb 7 16:32:24 UTC 2016

You got no choice. Simple demand and supply law.

Sent from my iPhone

On 7 Feb 2016, at 20:24, Noah <noah at<mailto:noah at>> wrote:

On 7 Feb 2016 19:04, "Andrew Alston" <Andrew.Alston at<mailto:Andrew.Alston at>> wrote:
> Noah,
> WHY do intra-RIR transfers work in Europe and the US so much better than what will work in Africa?
> Because they have TONS of space, the VAST majority of the worlds space sits in those regions, therefore LOGIC dictates that the majority of space for sale will be IN THOSE REGIONS.
> In Africa, where we have precious little space, there is no space to sell, hence, you have to be able to buy from where the space sits, that’s in ARIN and RIPE regions.
> This is simple mathematical logic

Your logic and maths aside...

We have limited resources....

We have nothing to sell...

And you propose that we go out there and buy or lease?

I see this working for bigger players with $$$ and not startups who ought to manage operational cost during inception... have you considered [1]

> Andrew


[1] AfriNIC financials mosts suffer due to non payment or late payment from some of its members and some debts have had to be written off...

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