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[rpd] Anycast allocations and current policy

Alan Barrett apb at
Mon Feb 9 13:00:02 UTC 2015

On Sun, 08 Feb 2015, Jérôme Fleury wrote:
>when applying for large anycast blocks as a LIR we've been told that
>we could only get a /24, by AFPUB-2012-V4-001 policy.
>I assume this is what you name the normal channels.
>Do you mean that the Anycast policies apply only if you intend to use
>a small portion of the /24 ?
>I'm a bit confused by your reply.

The purpose of the anycast policy is to allow people who would 
nomally not qualify for a /24 (perhaps because they will be using 
only 1 address) to nevertheless get a /24 of IPv4 address space for use
with anycast.

If you need more than a /24, then you should be able to
apply for it under the normal (non-anycast) IPv4 policy.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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