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Fwd: Re: [AfriNIC-rpd] Regional Internet Registry Privacy

Ernest - (AfriNIC) ernest at
Fri May 18 12:13:13 UTC 2012


A response from Ashok (AfriNIC counsel) follows regarding your inquiry
quoted below:

     >> What are the legal/regulatory obligations
     >> of AfriNIC (Ltd) in the country of registration
     >> in respect to data retention?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [AfriNIC-rpd] Regional Internet Registry Privacy
Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 13:20:39 +0400
From: arad <arad at>

In reply to your mail regarding data retention, this
matter falls to be governed by the Data Protection Act
2004 which regulates the whole domain of Data protection.I
have to underline that this Act is limited to data of a
personal nature.

If the query relates to other kind of data, then this
comes within the province of the Civil laws of Mauritius
if the data is retained within the jurisdiction of the
country. It then becomes an issue of contract e.g in the
case of data kept within the framework of cloud computing.
I hope this answers the query. I am at your disposal for
further clarification if need be.

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