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[AfriNIC-rpd] AfriNIC Board Ratifies AFPUB-2010-GEN-005 and AFPUB-2009-v4-002 Policy Proposals

SM sm at
Fri Nov 12 19:54:02 UTC 2010

Hi Vincent,
At 09:54 12-11-10, Vincent Ngundi wrote:
>Only one proposal (global policy proposal-whose text must be the 
>same) is submitted in all 5 RIRs, which if adopted by all 5 RIRs and 
>approved by the ICANN Board becomes a global policy. The global 
>policy is then implemented by IANA or some external ICANN-related body.
>The role of an RIR in the Global Policy Development Process is to 
>approve or reject a global policy proposal (once a common text has 
>been agreed upon). The ASO AC then takes over.

I must have misunderstood a message posted by one of the authors of 
the global policy proposal.  The message mentioned that:

  "the ARIN community having agreed on a different text than
   the other RIRs' communities"

 From what you said above, it seems that some RIRs might not be aware 
that there wasn't agreement on a common text as they accepted the 
global policy proposal.


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