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[AfriNIC-rpd] IPV6 Adoption

Graham Beneke graham-ml at
Sat Mar 29 05:29:43 UTC 2008

John Hay wrote:
> For now what I did in the ptamesh is to use RFC 4193 - Unique Local IPv6
> Unicast Addresses. We use that for the mesh itself and also for those
> that cannot get real IPv6 space. Those that work for Meraka/CSIR get
> a subnet from the Meraka/CSIR block. Also the inside of our mesh is
> IPv6 only. If you need IPv4, you need to tunnel it. :-)
> Part of the reasoning for using the rfc 4193 space was that PI was not
> available when we started. Also the ptamesh itself does not provide
> internet connectivity. Just as you need to get IPv4 space from your
> ISP, you need to get IPv6 space.

We have the same policies of no Internet access within the JAWUG network 
and we are also currently using RFC 4193 addresses.

However it is my opinion (and this has been voiced by others as well) 
that RFC 4193 addressing is somewhat pointless. With the relative 
abundance of v6 addressing resources it seems silly to be numbering your 
network in such a way that you cannot peer with other networks without 
the use (potentially) of NAT.

A much better solution would be to obtain global unicast addressing for 
a network and not announce routes to it. This gives the flexibility to 
announce the netblock to peers if the need arises without any concerns 
for addressing conflicts.

Additionally - being restricted to RFC 4193 addressing resources means 
that that the learning and research that is going on within projects 
like the Meraka network, the JAWUG network and others is limited to the 
local network and there is very little scope to be collaborating and 
sharing with others.

Graham Beneke
Apolix Internet Services
E-Mail/MSN/Jabber: graham at   Skype: grbeneke
VoIP: 087-750-5696                       Cell: 082-432-1873

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