[DBWG] Auto-renew ROAs

Saul Stein saul at enetworks.co.za
Mon Apr 6 06:46:18 UTC 2020

Hi Amreesh,

This is great news and something I have been asking for for ages!

- Users will have the choice to set the auto-renew flag upon creation of a ROA
Happy, based on the below, will the default be to renew?

- All currently exisiting ROAs auto-renew flag will be set to “TRUE”

- The renewal period will be exactly the same as the current validity date (i.e. not_after - not_before)
Erm, do you mean that the renewal period will be for the same duration as the preivous ROA was?

- An expiring ROA will be renewed 5 days before expiry (during this period, we will have two matching ROAs)
- Would you like email reminders for ROAs where the “auto-renew” flag is not set? For e.g. 1 email reminder will be sent 5 days before the expiry date of a ROA to all technical contacts of the organisation.
I think that there should be an email that says your ROA is about to expire and will be autorenew - just so that you know that it is happening and in case something goes wrong, you know about it.
If not set to auto-renew, then there should be 2 or 3 reminders sent out saying your ROA will expire in X days, click here to renew (similar to the way registries deal with domains)


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