[Community-Discuss] Call for Public Comments on the 2020 IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report

AFRINIC Communication comms at afrinic.net
Fri Feb 5 05:49:20 UTC 2021

[Sent on behalf of the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee]

Dear colleagues,

As you may be aware, as a result of the successful IANA Stewardship transition in 2016 <https://www.nro.net/stewardship-transition-archive/ <https://www.nro.net/stewardship-transition-archive/>> , the IANA Numbering Services are today being managed through an SLA <https://www.nro.net/sla <https://www.nro.net/sla>> between ICANN and the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

As part of the result of the IANA Stewardship transition, the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee (IANA RC) <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc>> was established in 2016. The IANA RC is composed of representatives from each RIR region, and advises and assists the RIRs in the review of the IANA Numbering Services.

The IANA services are today provided by Public Technical Identifiers (PTI), which publishes monthly performance reports on the IANA Numbering Services. <https://www.iana.org/performance/numbers <https://www.iana.org/performance/numbers>>

Based on these monthly performance reports, the five RIRs have produced the 2020 IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report. <https://www.nro.net/2020-RIR-IANA-summary-report <https://www.nro.net/2020-RIR-IANA-summary-report>>

30 Day Public Comment Period

The IANA RC is now launching a public comment period of 30 days, seeking comments and input from the community on the IANA numbering services performance and the 2020 IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report.<https://www.nro.net/2020-RIR-IANA-summary-report <https://www.nro.net/2020-RIR-IANA-summary-report>>

The IANA RC encourages all members of the Internet number community to review the public IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report.

Comments on the IANA service performance should be sent to: iana-performance [at] nro [dot] net.

The IANA RC will publish an annual report in March 2021, as advice to the NRO EC with its evaluation of the IANA Numbering services. The report will be based on the IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report, as well as any input gathered on the performance from the global number community.

The public comment period ends on Friday, 5 March 2021 at 23:59 UTC.

All public comments will be published on the NRO Website in the dedicated IANA RC section <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc-reports <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc-reports>>, and will be considered as input to the final report by IANA. At the end of the 30-day public comment period, the IANA RC will meet and evaluate all input to the final report.

The final IANA RC 2020 Report will be published at <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc-reports <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc-reports>>

Kind regards,

Bertrand Cherrier
Chair, IANA Numbering Services Review Committee

Further Information

IANA Numbering Services Review Committee <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc>>
Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) <https://pti.icann.org/ <https://pti.icann.org/>>
IANA Stewardship Transition Archive <https://www.nro.net/internet-governance/iana/iana-stewardship-transition/ <https://www.nro.net/internet-governance/iana/iana-stewardship-transition/>>
The SLA for the IANA Numbering Services <https://www.nro.net/sla <https://www.nro.net/sla>>
IANA Stewardship Transition Number Community Proposal <https://www.nro.net/crisp-final-proposal <https://www.nro.net/crisp-final-proposal>>
IANA RC Report 2019 <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc-report-2019 <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc-report-2019>>
IANA RC Report 2018 <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc-report-2018 <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc-report-2018>>
IANA RC Report 2017 <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc-report-2017 <https://www.nro.net/iana-rc-report-2017>>

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