[Community-Discuss] Share About Cloud Innovation Ltd and their business

Arnaud AMELINA amelnaud at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 07:54:58 UTC 2021

Hi Ronald

Le mar. 3 août 2021 à 23:59, Arnaud AMELINA <amelnaud at gmail.com> a écrit :



> ...




>> Th names of board members or board chairmen on these dates is perfectly

>> irrelevant because the board never reviewed any of these allocations,

>> or any of the documents or other materials that were used to justify them.

>> The allocations were all made as a result of "staff" decisions, not the

>> board.



> You can't be totally sure on this one, because it was the period we saw

> the Board playing the CEO Prerogatives, and entering in the micromanagement

> of AFRINIC, remember.


As I said here, you can't be totally sure, find below some useful

Allocations to CI have been controversial since the beginning and have
been discussed intensively on list since 2014.

Board got involved at some point as one can see from the minutes of board
meetings held in November 2014(*)

It reads:

2.0 Discussion and decision about the Board Statement regarding the case of
a particular resource application.

There was a discussion about whether the Board should make a statement. SF
said that a message had been sent on the RPD list.

The CEO pointed out that the Registration Services Team has encountered
several difficulties with the application.

AA argued that a statement made by a third party on the list meant there
was a dispute.

The Legal Counsel explained the term ‘dispute’ and suggested that there is
no dispute yet.

The CEO said that right now there is no dispute. And that he has already
given the confirmation for the staff to allocate the resources. The CEO
reminded the Board of the need to stay within the policies.

The Legal Counsel informed the Board that AFRINIC can’t withhold a genuine
request for IP allocations, it has to allocate, and if later it gets
evidence that the application was fraudulent, supported by evidence
collected, then it will be able to recover the resources as per the RSA.

The Board unanimously adopted the following resolution.
Resolution 201411.214 The Board resolves that; The authority is hereby
delegated to the CEO to use any available methods, at his discretion, to
authenticate resource allocation applications.
Few questionings to help the thinking:

1- Why was there a need for the Board at that time to get involved in a
routinely operational matter of a resource allocation?

2. Why was there a need for the Board to pass a resolution for something
suspicious that was already within the CEO’s authority?

3- Did we postpone the disputes to now ?






>> In my opinion, -all- of these allocations are suspect, and they are made

>> moreso because neither Lu Heng nor his apparent primary spokesman here,

>> Owen DeLong, has seen fit to share with any of us any of the materials or

>> documentation that was used to provide the required justifications for

>> any of these allocations -originally- even though it is 100% clear that

>> all such records, dating back nearly five years ago to over eight years

>> ago, are no longer in any sense relevant to Cloud Innovation's -current-

>> business model or business operations.


>> The time for dark secrets is over. Lu Heng has elected to try his case

>> on the mailing lists and in the press. OK. Fine. Then let's do that.


>> The question of whether or not Lu Heng's -current- usage of his IP space

>> does or does not meet acceptable criteria is irrelevant if his -original-

>> justifications for the space were in any way inadequate or less than

>> truthful. So let's see those original justifications and let the people

>> decide whether or not Lu Heng even deserved to be granted this much IPv4

>> space in the first place.


>> Only Lu Heng can give us those original justification documents, if he so

>> chooses. AFRINIC is still bound by confidentiality rules and thus cannot

>> legally provide them to any party outside of AFRINIC.



>> Regards,

>> rfg


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