[Community-Discuss] Gratitude

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Wed Jun 12 00:27:37 UTC 2019

> On Jun 11, 2019, at 12:10 PM, Ish Sookun <ish.sookun at lasentinelle.mu> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> On 6/11/19 9:45 PM, Andrew Alston wrote:
>> I point you to the companies act of 2001, section 225 sub-section 2(d) 
>> which states that ANY person upon serving written notice on the company
>> of his intention to inspect the records shall be given access to the
>> full names and residential addresses of directors. The companies act
>> makes this public data and strips any right to expectation of privacy
>> from a director – since they chose to be a director and should have read
>> the act.
> The affidavit has more personal information than just names &
> residential addresses.
> The Registrar of Companies of Mauritius requires the name and other
> personal data of persons who consent to be a company director. Registrar
> records are made accessible to public upon request. It does not
> automatically turn that information into public data; i.e giving another
> entity the right to re-publish without authorization.

Actually, as I understand most common law, any item which is considered
a “matter of public record” can be freely republished by third parties.

I admit I am not an expert in law and have little understanding of Mauritian
law in particular, but it seems rather absurd to me that a document which
can be inspected at will or “made available upon request” would somehow
preclude further publication or dissemination of the data contained in the


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