[Community-Discuss] Identity of people on RPD list (was Re: [rpd] Appeal against softlanding-bisdeclaration of consensus)

Willy MANGA mangawilly at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 17:58:20 UTC 2018

Hi Sunday O. ,

Le 05/01/2018 à 17:50, Sunday Olutayo a écrit :
> It is good to know the name and face behind every message, to be sure we are dealing with human, not robot or individual with multiple accounts.

I challenge you to check whether or not we are all humans here ;) . More
seriously, except when you notice some patterns, you can not know who's
really behind an account.

On that purpose, physical meetings are essential.

I use to register at least 2 email address on some lists because I may
participate in debate for my personal interest or those of my employer.
I'm sure I'm not the only one doing that here.

> There is nothing wrong in asking a contributor to introduce or unveil him/herself

you are right but you should also agree that it's not mandatory to
introduce to the list I think. :) .

For instance: in my personel archive, it's the first time I see your
email address on this list or . You have not introduced yourself by the
way ;-)

Your words, style, topics of interest will define you now and in the
years ahead . That's the most important IMHO ...

Willy Manga

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