[Community-Discuss] Issue with non-AFRINIC Fellowship to Meeting -

Ish Sookun ish.sookun at lasentinelle.mu
Mon Dec 10 17:17:05 UTC 2018

Hi Andrew,

On 12/10/18 5:59 PM, Andrew Alston wrote:
> Personally I believe that people should declare their affiliations -
> it’s just not required, and actually when I have on at least two
> occasions state the organizations who I am making statements on behalf
> of - I was told that individuals don’t represent organizations on the
> floor of the pdp and it was immaterial and I should not do that.

I asked a similar question during the open mic at AFRINIC-29, more
specifically regarding people that say "speaking in my own capacity".

The answer from an AFRINIC board member was that when it comes to policy
it is about the community and there is no distinction between saying
that you are speaking as an organization or personal capacity. At least
that is what I could grasp.

The answer can be listed as from 52:47 here:


Ish Sookun

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