[Community-Discuss] Issue with non-AFRINIC Fellowship to Meeting -

Chittesh Sham chittesh at lsl.digital
Mon Dec 10 14:34:34 UTC 2018

Hi Willy, 

I agree with you that organisations (outside fellowship programs) should have a set of clearly defined rules both for their fellows as well for other stakeholders involved. 

But the main parties such as AFRINIC and ICAAN should also set some rules for those outside fellowship programmes. As a preventive measure, so as to avoid the running into the risk of some organisation with a lot of fellows having a strong lobby with some sort of hidden agenda. 

I am unaware if AFRINIC has already setup some rules according to this, do you know if it does? 


⁣Get ​⁣BlueMail for Android​⁣ ​ On Dec 10, 2018, at 5:30 PM, Willy MANGA <mangawilly at gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Ish

Le 10/12/2018 à 13:26, Ish Sookun a écrit :

Hi Willy,

The agenda as advertised by a fellowship programme and what it actually
does on-site might be contradictory. Any organization may write that
they are offering a fellowship programme for the betterment of the
Internet in the African region, while in fact, they have a more obscure
and long term purpose. You can't be sure or ascertain that with what's
written on a webpage.

The most important here is : if the organization has a fellowship
program or kind of, I suggested to publish it on their website with
details (announcements, requirements, results,...).
AFRINIC, ICANN fellowship program for instance have dedicated pages on
their respective websites.

A fellow is bound to some rules put in place by the organization during
a specific timeline.

Outside fellowship program, it's another story. But I remind you that
when you participate in a debate during face-to-face meeting (either on
microphone or remotely), you must clearly state your name and your

Even here on mailing-list it could be a good practice if you use an
email address according to your affiliation. Especially if you send
messages from your corporate email , it should mean you speak on behalf
of that particular organization. When it's not a corporate email, it
depends :)

h a lot of fellows having a strong lobby with some sort of hidden agenda. 

I am unaware if AFRINIC has already setup some rules according to this, do you know if it does? 


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On Dec 10, 2018, 5:30 PM, at 5:30 PM, Willy MANGA <mangawilly at gmail.com> wrote:
>Hello Ish
>Le 10/12/2018 à 13:26, Ish Sookun a écrit :
>> Hi Willy,
>> The agenda as advertised by a fellowship programme and what it
>> does on-site might be contradictory. Any organization may write that
>> they are offering a fellowship programme for the betterment of the
>> Internet in the African region, while in fact, they have a more
>> and long term purpose. You can't be sure or ascertain that with
>> written on a webpage.
>The most important here is : if the organization has a fellowship
>program or kind of, I suggested to publish it on their website with
>details (announcements, requirements, results,...).
>AFRINIC, ICANN fellowship program for instance have dedicated pages on
>their respective websites.
>A fellow is bound to some rules put in place by the organization during
>a specific timeline.
>Outside fellowship program, it's another story. But I remind you that
>when you participate in a debate  during face-to-face meeting (either
>microphone or remotely), you must clearly state your name and your
>Even here on mailing-list it could be a good practice if you use an
>email address according to your affiliation. Especially if you  send
>messages from your corporate email , it should mean you speak on behalf
>of that particular organization. When it's not a corporate email, it
>depends :)
>Willy Manga
>Community-Discuss mailing list
>Community-Discuss at afrinic.net
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