[Community-Discuss] ISOC InterCommunity 2017 in Mauritius

Ish Sookun ish at lsl.digital
Sun Sep 10 17:17:51 UTC 2017

Hi SM,

On 09/10/2017 08:47 PM, S Moonesamy wrote:
> On 6 September, I receive an email from the Internet Society about an
> "InterCommunity 2017 Event" in Mauritius.  The email included an
> afrinic.net email address to contact to confirm participation.  Is that
> the "PR part" you are referring to in the above?  I would consider it as
> logistics instead of PR.

I would not indulge in such semantics. Otherwise, one could also say
Sofitel Hotel as venue is part of logistics. I find it difficult to
believe that ISOC Mauritius (which currently exists in two versions)
financed that venue while it did not sponsor/finance any other community
event in recent times.

> I doubt that the question has been raised given that it is an Internet
> Society matter.

The above does not answer my question. Could you provide me information
about ISOC Mauritius that AFRINIC recognizes? To be precise; a local
office/address, name of representative, members etc?


Ish Sookun

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