[Community-Discuss] Controversial anti-shutdown policy discussed at RIPE

Ish Sookun ish at lsl.digital
Sat May 13 20:32:27 UTC 2017

Hi Tutu,

On 14/05/17 00:23, Tutu Ngcaba wrote:
> Now you find we technicians want to pretend to be ICC of Internet with the
> Afrinic to also bring political technnical force. The government shall
> smile and say ok no shutdown internet but because you like it. We shall
> block all this facebook twitter instagram the youtube maybe email port 25
> etc. All ISP will not have customers hahahahah this is why i laugh when one
> or two people think they can messing with whole country government instead
> of being polite like in cameroon and stop chaos and all back to normal free
> internet.

I understand your concern about powerful governments who could cunningly
circumvent the anti-shutdown definition and thus deprive people of
communication platforms (e.g Facebook, Twitter etc).

That is why I proposed the text change in the definition to cover
censorship in a broader sense. I also proposed to make governments
require a court order for blocking content otherwise it falls under the
definition of an internet shutdown.


Ish Sookun

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