[Community-Discuss] Controversial anti-shutdown policy discussed at RIPE

Tutu Ngcaba pan.afrikhan at gmail.com
Sat May 13 21:01:37 UTC 2017

M brother my brother Ish

Do you know who appointed the supreme court in country... Its the president.

So you think the judge will stop govermment when chaos is happening.

Tell me one example where govermment or president order shutdown when no
riot or chaos or protesting of the people. Tell me...

You only thinking ooh the government shut it or they blocked it

You are not thinking why they government they do it when it was all ok and
all citizen enjoyed it freely.

Why why why please tell me before you pretending to be in American where
the Trump say no refugee and that judge is saying yes refugee yet they
America will have the powerful software to spy of the people like the
swoden brother who wll go to prison but kept in the russia. Where is the

In the bible they say leave governement issue to governnment dont try to be
smart because you make the government which left internet free all along to
even be worse and worse they will create laws with member of parliemant to
control the internet.

Do you know some countries only government will give internet. No the
private ISP or the telecom. Do you want this to happen one day. You must be
caustiosly with the political matters like expert from ISOC leslie said in
that video by the advice of the mustistakeholder engaging.

Best Regards,

Tutu Ngcaba
Kwazulu Techno Hubs
South Africa

On 13 May 2017 11:32 p.m., "Ish Sookun" <ish at lsl.digital> wrote:

> Hi Tutu,
> On 14/05/17 00:23, Tutu Ngcaba wrote:
> > Now you find we technicians want to pretend to be ICC of Internet with
> the
> > Afrinic to also bring political technnical force. The government shall
> > smile and say ok no shutdown internet but because you like it. We shall
> > block all this facebook twitter instagram the youtube maybe email port 25
> > etc. All ISP will not have customers hahahahah this is why i laugh when
> one
> > or two people think they can messing with whole country government
> instead
> > of being polite like in cameroon and stop chaos and all back to normal
> free
> > internet.
> I understand your concern about powerful governments who could cunningly
> circumvent the anti-shutdown definition and thus deprive people of
> communication platforms (e.g Facebook, Twitter etc).
> That is why I proposed the text change in the definition to cover
> censorship in a broader sense. I also proposed to make governments
> require a court order for blocking content otherwise it falls under the
> definition of an internet shutdown.
> Regards,
> Ish Sookun
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