[Community-Discuss] Board-Community Engagement

Ali Hussein ali at hussein.me.ke
Thu Jun 29 05:32:01 UTC 2017

Chair and all

This is commendable.

I note Badru's concerns but I think that is the price to pay when one runs a public interest Organisation like AfriNIC. However, you raise a valid point about over burdening the CEO and probably even the Chairman himself. This can be mitigated by good, simple communication and delegation. I'm sure we have strong leadership which can navigate this. After all we don't want them to 'die by email' :-)

Ali Hussein
Hussein & Associates
+254 0713 601113 

Twitter: @AliHKassim
Skype: abu-jomo
LinkedIn: http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."  ~ Aristotle

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> On 29 Jun 2017, at 7:11 AM, Chevalier du Borg <virtual.borg at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2017-06-29 9:00 GMT+04:00 Badru Ntege <badru.ntege at nftconsult.com>:
>> Thank you for your communication however I worry if we are introducing more complications to fix a simple issue. 
>> The whole idea of the community lists I would have thought is the transparency but also consensus and bottom up.
> Nothing has changed. Chairman say those list still exist and issues can still be copied there.
>> CEO is an employee if the primarily answerable to the board which is answerable to the community.
>> I feel you are burdening the CEO with this plan.
> I am sure CEO can speak for himself. I also sure the chairman board (who I believe speak on behalf of board on this list) discuss this with CEO before sending last email. You talk of trust, let us start show some trust and faith in some simple thing. 
>> The open discussion list allows community to also filter some requests which then get discussed and finally answered in totality.
> Nothing in what chairman has propose will change that. See last but one paragraph
>> In my simple view the problem is simple a method of responding to issues in time would appease the community.
> I not so keen on method. But I do 1000% support timeliness. At very least, CEO or board chair must acknowledged an issue if there is no immediate answer then say when he will come back toward us with answer to issue raised.
>> Hope other members see it this way I will also be okay if members see it your way but an open discussion would allow and protect our concept of consensus
> Again. NOTHING in chair's email is attempt to shut down open discussion. He clearly state that 
> i)  member-discuss and community-discuss continue to exist
> ii) people can still copy message to those list (even better for transparency)
> -- 
> Borg le Chevalier
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