Status of Community Discuss mailing list

Paul Hjul hjul.paul at
Wed Feb 22 21:53:07 UTC 2023

Spoil sport ... ;p (Ish that is)

I've been waiting for a week to pass before rubbing that particular lamp to
see what untenable and fanciful explanations are given by the jins at

But yes it is quite clearly the case that reliance cannot be placed on the
"unmoderated" list to have a comprehensive record of what is sent to
community discuss. For one thing it is only an archive of mails not
approved by whatever moderating process purports to make a determination.
This factor may explain why the contents are "tardy" with new mails coming
in - so mail sits in the queue until moderated and only if not approved put
into that archive. That however raises the question of how did mail sent
recently end up in the unmoderated archive? Nothing in the moderation
policy provides for an "automatic rejection" so somebody would have
rejected them, but if somebody could under the policy moderate content such
as to reject it then that same person could under the policy approve it.
Moreover there are SOME mails appearing in both archives. There is also the
problematic situation of mails with no rational basis for being rejected by
moderation being in the "unmoderated" archive while mails quoting them are
in accepted into the main archive.

If it wasn't clear that Afrinic's inhouse legal team were to dug in on a
path to total destruction of the organization  then I'd suggest that they
think very carefully about the minefield Eddy, the Gov Comm and above all
Noah Maina [who gives us gems in the form of poorly veiled threats of
violence (
) which even if comically absurdly made should be viewed quite seriously]
have laid for them. The fact that Maina's posts are so profoundly stupid as
to cause one to wonder if he isn't a character out of a slapstick comedy
doesn't make him any less dangerous or nefarious. It frankly just makes him
a moron or a troll who pretends to be stupid, neither of which is helpful
to any mailing list.

Sadly I don't see any prospects that Afrinic management (who have failed to
produce Q2 or Q3 reports for 2022 for either directors or members to be
able to see) will ensure that an SGMM occurs. It is quite probable that the
clock will continue running and somebody will have to bring an application
to convene an AGMM.

Dear Kishna,

On 20/02/2023 10:27, Kishna Dhondee wrote:

>* 7. In view of the above and pending AFRINIC having a quorate board, all

>* emails sent to the Community list are accessible and being archived at:

>* <>

My earlier question was due to the fact that I did not see any email

from February 2023 appearing at the unmoderated public archive when a

member copied the Community Discuss list.

The emails appear on the archive now.



Ish Sookun
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