Status of Community Discuss mailing list

Paul Hjul hjul.paul at
Mon Feb 20 07:04:57 UTC 2023

Thanks for confirming that (a) there is no board; (b) there is no quorate
governance committee; (c) the former CEO has taken steps that result in the
full censorship of the community mailing list.

I am curious as to how the "Afrinic Community" works together to solve
Afrinics problems when communication within the community is intentionally
and permanently censored.

> Dear Ish,

In regard to your email below, kindly be informed as follows:

1. By email dated 24 June 2022, AFRINIC's ex-CEO informed the Community
with respect to a 'Temporary emergency moderation'. The said email is
herewith attached for ease of reference.

2. By email dated 27 June 2022, AFRINIC's Communication informed the
Community, /inter-alia/, what triggered the moderation of the Community
list as well as the modality of the said moderation. That email is also
herewith attached for ease of reference.

3. We are aware that, since then, several requests have been made by
Community members for the lifting of the aforesaid moderation. However,
as you may also be aware as a matter of good governance, no staff has
the authority to override a decision previously taken by an executive -
be it a CEO or ex-CEO. Consequently, in the absence of both a quorate
board and a CEO, it is regrettable that the /status-quo /is being

4. In regard to the second part of your question, the established
protocol was that moderation would be of two-folds i.e; a legal vetting
followed by another vetting by a representative of the Governance
Committee (GovCom).

5. Unfortunately, the GovCom has also been dissolved on 31 December 2022
and is yet to be reconstituted, which consequently impacts the whole of
the aforesaid moderation process.

6. Prior to the dissolution of the GovCom on 31 December 2022, the
members thereof did consider the requests emanated from the Community
/viz /the lifting of the aforesaid moderation. However, you will
appreciate that I cannot disclose the deliberations and/or
recommendations of the GovCom's proceedings. Accordingly, point #3 above
is repeated.

7. In view of the above and pending AFRINIC having a quorate board, all
emails sent to the Community list are accessible and being archived at:

We hope to see AFRINIC back in full swing soon.



On 20/02/2023 01:42, Ish Sookun wrote:
> Dear Kishna,
> Grateful if you could tell me whether the AFRINIC Community Discuss
> mailing list is still being moderated and if so, by whom?
> Regards,

Legal Officer, AFRINIC
11th Floor, Standard Chartered Tower
19 Cybercity, Ebene,
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