[Community-Discuss] Most disastrous distraction

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at tristatelogic.com
Fri Jul 1 09:45:39 UTC 2022

In message <CAF4kYptg1rr5C2s4hC_=65EfBFUXUmWHQ90Nk+5gzcuh=07i7g at mail.gmail.com>
Paul Hjul <hjul.paul at gmail.com> wrote:

>As a
>result of these steps it was reliably indicated to me that at least one
>litigating party had decided to again present court sanctioned mediation as
>something they were willing to engage in. Predictably as soon as the
>suggestion of the opportunity to get the organization functioning in a
>proper and rule driven manner was made a predictable chorus of individuals
>who try to control the organization and who patently would rather see
>Afrinic destroyed than not under their control piped up.

I suggeted mediation on this list as a possible solution ahwile ago.

Now I wish that I had not done so.  It is a Bad Idea.  It would just be a
way for some people to obtain, as we say here "half a loaf" when IN FAIRNESS
they deserve nothing at all.


P.S.  I have no vested interests in who runs AFRINIC.  It doesn't matter to
me *financially* at all.  As a  matter of general principal however I believe
that AFRINIC should be run by a cooperating group of Africans, and not by some
single Chinese guy who clearly has more money (and more lawyers) than he has
either brains or ethics or transparency.

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