[Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] Formal mediation

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at tristatelogic.com
Fri Jul 1 09:34:04 UTC 2022

In message <VI1PR03MB6493A917B771AC55CBC36618EAB29 at VI1PR03MB6493.eurprd03.prod.
outlook.com>, Ben Roberts <Ben.Roberts at liquid.tech> wrote:

>It is possible to postulate that AFRINIC threw the first punch buy revoking
>membership and resource holdings of members who relied upon those resources
>for their business.

As I understand it, the purpose of AFRINIC mailing lists is NOT to conduct
personal boxing matches.

Anyone wishing to do that, please take it offline.  The rest of us think it
is stupid and a waste of our time, especially when it is based on really
obvious bovine excrement.


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