[members-discuss] AFRINIC silent on mediation

Noah noah at neo.co.tz
Sun Jul 3 08:29:14 UTC 2022

Hey Lu Heng,

On Tue, 28 Jun 2022, 21:50 tech, <tech at cloudinnovation.org> wrote:

> Cloud Innovation committed to confirm if AFRINIC agreed to participate in
> our offer for private mediation.  The deadline for AFRINIC to respond
> passed last night. Unfortunately, AFRINIC ignored the non-conditional offer
> to enter into confidential negotiations to settle the issues subject to
> on-going litigation and therefore we have concluded rejected our offer of
> mediation.

Look, no one forced Cloud Innovation Limited to go to Court... You went to
court. Let justice prevail.

> The issues raised by Cloud Innovation and other members of AFRINIC,

You mean issues raised by the below members to be specific?

- Cloud Innovation
- Larus Cloud Services Ltd
- Africa on Cloud and
- Crystal Web

are of global importance and sitting down to discuss the issues would have
> only benefited the world’s internet users.

Africa is part of the world and in this region, we are more interested in
building the African Internet so that it benefits the people who ofcourse
are part of the world people.

In any dispute, it is normal for willing parties to enter mediation.

Not when the Cloud Innovation Limited goes out of their way to deploy the
following organisations;

- Larus Foundation;

To make the AFRINIC Policy Development Process disfunctional

- Number Resource Society (NRS);

To spread false negative defamatory propaganda against AFRINIC, its Board
and its management. Do you think people have forgetten about your Youtube
Channels and the falsehood it spreads?

- Morgan Investment Limited;

Which attempted to bribe AFRINIC resource members with offers of 3000USD
for access to my.afrinic.net portal so that NRS operatives can cast ballots
and vote for NRS leaning candidates to your advantage.

AFRINIC board elections have traditionally been based on free-will of
AFRINIC members until NRS/Morgan Investment started introducing money and
promises of free VPS and /24 IPv4 addresses to innocent members.

The NRS/Morgan Investment essentially thought it would exploit people in
the AFRINIC service region with money after all with Africans, all you need
is to throw money on their face. Have you not seen those Music videos where
black people flush US dollars around and cars. Just flush money at these
people and you will get what you want. They lack value due to their poverty
mentality. Go around Africa, meet them, entice them with promises of
1000USD, 3000USD, 7000USD and they will fall in line and do what we want
them to do which is to vote for our Machurian candidates in upcoming board

Look Lu, people in this region are not fools..ok. gone are the days of
"Dead Aid".

We live in the age of information and people in this part of the world are
woke and very conscious.  People are interested in working hard and
sweating for their work. People in Africa can nolonger be bribed with free

The Internet is giving people endless possibilities in this part of the
world just so you know Lu.

> Cloud Innovation were disappointed that AFRNIC did not have the decency to
> even acknowledge our open and transparent offer.

Are you kidding? .... See above.

Whatever your view on the issues at hand, the failure to agree to mediation
> illustrates a total failure in leadership, transparency and ethics.


It shows contempt of members, a reputation, and the spirit of the law. We
> are very disappointed to have to share this news with you, but do so in the
> spirit of transparency and openness.
> Our full press release can be found at link below:
> https://cloudinnovation.org/press-release4.html

Brace for a lengthy campaign... You started it, but the silent majority,
the civil society and the Africa governments shall finish it.

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