[afripv6-discuss] What have you done for IPv6 lately, since the 1st of January, 2013?

Carlos M. martinez carlosm3011 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 15:22:47 SAST 2013

<my opinion here is strictly my own and doesn't necessarily reflect my

I fret when I read "no customer is asking for it" because no customer
will ask for IPv6 _ever_. Just as no one here or in the Internet ever
asked for IPv4.

Deploying IPv6 is the duty of any responsible ISP out there. Your region
has a golden advantage/opportunity: you have like 4 or 5 years to roll
it out in an ordered, painless way.

I sincerely hope you take advantage of it.



On 2/19/13 1:45 AM, Victor Ndonnang wrote:
> Hi Hisham,
> Let me jump into this interesting discussion. I agree with, more
> awareness work has to be done to improve adoption and effective
> deployment of IPv6 in Africa. There are 02 IPs in Cameroon with IPv6
> blogs but not IPv6 connectivity is offered to end users yet...Because no
> customer is asking for it.
> We have been awareness work in Cameroon with the Project "Impact Ipv6"
> (http://www.impactipv6.net/ ). We will continue this year and one of our
> goals is to host our project web site locally on an "IPv6 ready" server.
> Will keep updating.
> Best regards,
> Victor Ndonnang.
> On 17/02/2013 18:36, Hisham Ibrahim wrote:
>> Hi SM,
>> [snip]
>>>    "According to the survey carried out with ISPs, none of them is
>>> involved in
>>>     IPv6 experimentation with a view to moving towards commercial
>>> IPv6 based
>>>     services."
>>> It has been said that there wasn't any customer demand for IPv6. 
>>> Maybe it is because customers asking about IPv6 connectivity are
>>> ignored as the customer-facing end of the ISPs do not know anything
>>> about IPv6.
>> I will agree with you on this, there seems to be more and more demand
>> now IPv6 at end user side,
>> granted this % is small in comparison to the entire number of end
>> users that do not ask for it,
>> but at least now we have more demand / awareness now than before.
>> ISPs however still use the same explanations and last mile excuses we
>> have been hearing for years mainly DSLAMs.
>> And while we can not force ISPs to upgrade their infra we can still do
>> some work arounds like the project Logan sent on the list to get the
>> ball rolling.
>> I have discussed with Logan the idea of talking with the ISPs and the
>> ICTA in MU to replicate what he has done at his school in schools all
>> over MU.
>> hopefully similar low cost solutions are what will give the ISPs all
>> over Africa a reason to do IPv6 as well.
>>> The presentations are always nice.  However, there isn't much being
>>> done in practice.  www.icta.mu is at least IPv6-enabled.  The same
>>> cannot be said of the few other sites I looked at.
>> I also agree with you as nice as presentations are, we should only
>> look at measurable results.
>> and this is why I started this thread, so that we can get the
>> community to share with us stories of what they have actually
>> deployed, like logan, the challenges like Andrew's email and the ones
>> that are
>> broken like the yahoo and sonatel thread that was sent out earlier,
>> (FYI Sonatel promised to resolve the issue and get back to the list
>> with what was broken).
>> Regards
>> Hisham
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