[AfrICANN-discuss] Enhancing Local Engagement in Internet Governance in Africa

Matogoro Jabera jaberamatogoro at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 05:50:52 UTC 2016

Sorry for Cross posting!

I am writing to share our workshop report for an event that was held at
University of Dodoma, Tanzania, East Africa.

Internet Governance Youth Community (YouthCom) workshop initiative targets
to introduce the youth from various backgrounds in Tanzania not only to
ICANN but the wider Internet ecosystem with an aim of ensuring this new
audience, are prepared early enough to help them participate effectively in
the internet ecosystem.

The overarching objectives of this workshop is to promote local engagement
of African communities in Internet Governance, create awareness about ICANN
and build capacity of African local community towards addressing future
challenge of the internet in Africa.

Just as a summary on our achievements:

   - 22 users contributed to ICANNWiki Swahili Platform

   - 312 edits  were completed

   -  145 articles were translated

   -  138 newly created articles

We are committed to make Swahili Content on Internet Governance is
available in the Internet and addressing the local content challenge using
our own language.

Assistant Lecturer & Coordinator - Microsoft Innovation Center, Tanzania
College of Informatics and Virtual Education
The University of Dodoma (www.udom.ac.tz)
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