[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: [Arab IGF] Big Tent @ IGF Istanbul

Gabriel Ramokotjo gabrielramokotjo at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 21:35:43 SAST 2014

Dear Khaled,

I will be attending the IGF and would like to attend the Big Tent event.

Gabriel Ramokotjo

G.M Ramokotjo
On Aug 20, 2014 2:24 PM, "khaled koubaa" <khaled.koubaa at gmail.com> wrote:

> ---------- Sorry for cross posting  ----------
> Dear colleagues,
> Writing to extend an invitation to one of our Big Tent events that we're
> organizing in conjunction with the IGF.  The Big Tent will be held
> September 3rd at Hilton Istanbul Bosphorus.
> Space is limited, but any community member is attending the Global IGF is
> welcome to send me an email so I can ensure they receive an invitation.
>  Speakers include:
>    - Vint Cerf, VP & chief Internet evangelist - Google
>    - Camille François, fellow - Berkman Center for Internet and Society
>    - Arzu Geybullayeva - Regional analyst and blogger
>    - Şafak Pavey, Member of Parliament, Turkey - Republican Peoples Party
>    - Necdet Ünüvar, Member of Parliament, Turkey - Justice & Development
>    Party
> Let me know if you have any questions.
> Thanks,
> *Khaled KOUBAA*
> *Public Policy and Government Relations Manager - **Google*
> *Mobile +216 98 27 00 25 *
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