[AfrICANN-discuss] A brief update on the ASWG
lerato.ma at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 15 03:32:03 SAST 2012
+1 Dr. Yassin,
and the directive or request by the CEO was not a fire-fighting order....I am sure it meant that Africans should consider doing that - not to form a Group without necessary consultations back home - this happened in Prague where Africans were represented - why not take the message 'home' for consideration? This where the issue began - I for one fail to believe that the CEO meant that a small Group be formed..,,??
It is well known the CEO did not have any directive when he was asked to participate in the Prague meeting, nor did he ask for an Africa Strategy.As was admittedly stated by the same group before on this email list by way of clarification, - we took opportunity during the meeting to suggest the Africa strategy and the CEO in fact asked for one person as a direct liaison to him and the group decided to make it more than one, thus the election process - If this was what was said to us before, how come it is now represented as the CEO asked for strategy and or the African Board selected the group. It is becoming a circus, different people saying different things at different times.
It probing this issue of Prague further, it is now my understanding the Africa Strategy was suppose to be a continuation of Dakar's list of items that was requested by African Union to ICANN and the Sr. Officials of ICANN clarified to certain group that particular meeting in Prague was an AU meeting, which for some reason now, AU is out of the picture ( I have a feeling a complaint was made of AU's direct affiliation with .africa bid), then the musical chair winner of the new face of the Africa Strategy became AfriNic by default).
Therefore, as I see it, not only there was an issue of selection of the small group, there could have been an issue as to who should own it, since AU is not longer there. Hence, the new concern that should be noted now is the winner of these musical chair of the Africa strategy should not get involved in the implementation of such strategy and would have to be done entirely by a different team, org etc, as COI will definitively be as issue in the implementation.
These are my thoughts in hindsight, and one I suggest should be taken seriously as an input to the ICANN-ASWG.
Kind regards,
--Lerato Ma
> From: Dr Yassin Mshana <ymshana2003 at gmail.com>
>To: Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com>
>Cc: "africann at afrinic.net" <africann at afrinic.net>
>Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 4:28 PM
>Subject: Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] A brief update on the ASWG
>Thank you for this - I read it and was waiting for an acceptable description of this process. A small Objection for now:
>3-The ICANN Africa strategy has nothing to do with our
>>national/regional ICT strategies which a few of us have been helping
>>African countries develop these last years
Some effort has bean made in this area of work in order to gain a place in National Priorities (wasted energy?) .....Could someone explain why this disjoint? Let alone having National Strategies - there are some of our countries without a National Policy. Why not start with that? How far did the ICANN Regional Bureaus/ Offices go to help in this?
>Well well, Points 1 & 2 need to be clarified as well - and the directive or request by the CEO was not a fire-fighting order....I am sure it meant that Africans should consider doing that - not to form a Group without necessary consultations back home - this happened in Prague where Africans were represented - why not take the message 'home' for consideration? This where the issue began - I for one fail to believe that the CEO meant that a small Group be formed..,,??
>After all why is this discussion taking place now? There is a homework to do - not only to analyse documents and information gathered.
>Here we go..... Africa!
>On 14 September 2012 21:47, Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>Repost FYI
>>From: Dandjinou Pierre <pdandjinou at gmail.com>
>>>Date: September 14, 2012 8:26:58 GMT
>>>To: africann at afrinic.net
>>>Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] ASWG outputs : Clarifications
>>>Reply-To: africann at afrinic.net
>>Dear All,
>>>As you are taking time to go through the documents that were posted by
>>>the ASWG, I think these clarifications are in order, to contextualize
>>>what we seek to achieve as Africans participants to ICANN
>>>1- The Africa Strategy document was a request by the incoming CEO, who
>>>wanted to have a special strategy for Africa;
>>>2- As per the timeline that has been posted, Africans should deliver
>>>the outlines of the strategy by October and then ICANN will take it
>>>from there to develop the Africa strategy
>>>3-The ICANN Africa strategy has nothing to do with our
>>>national/regional ICT strategies which a few of us have been helping
>>>African countries develop these last years
>>>4-Thus, your inputs are important for the outlines to be delivered to
>>>ICANN in the specified timeline (end of September/early October)
>>>5-Finally, this is not the end of it , as sessions have been planned
>>>to futher discuss the strategy in Totonto, .and also online.
>>>So, what is requested NOW is that we go through the posted documents,
>>>concentrate on the strategic Objectives, propose your owm priority
>>>list and provide further comments and recommendations if any, to help
>>>cover all Africans' needs in the ICANN Africa Strategy for coming
>>>three years..
>>>I hope this clarifies..
>>On Sep 14, 2012, at 21:13, Dr Yassin Mshana <ymshana2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Oga Nii,
>>>It is pleasing to see that - I am being invited ;-) to share opinions that would be of benefit to us. I am afraid I do not need to be invited since I will always do my bets for Africa and never expected a recognition.
>>>I respectively asked a 2 questions and no credible answers - the answers to those two questions might be the foundation to build on i.e. How to get Africans engaged/involved in everything done for Africa? A big mistake was done by not inviting Africans in forming the Group - it is just a matter of principle and respect - that is why I will keep asking asking "Why the Rush". In addition, it would be a gesture of good will if the 'Group' had called for nominations for the African Strategy W/Group - to be more rhetoric, maybe the name would have been changed to a "Team" instead of a "Group"
>>>Ownership of this important process by all Africans is as important as the work being done. Where has African natural Diplomacy gone?
>>>Let us be strategic in the approach to this Strategy - there should be no grumbles or boasting by anyone. I would like things to be done with concurrence and by a 'Team' not a 'Group'. We have to consider 'emotional' intelligence not only 'intellectual' intelligence and skills....
>>>Have a nice weekend everyone.
>>>On 14 September 2012 01:12, Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>>>Dr Yassin,
>>>>Good now we have put something we can work with and I'll like you to send that as input to the icann-aswg for some folk to explore
>>>>Note however ICT is larger and could go too far. I am aware however some are looking at IGF and country/subregional /regional IGF alignment
>>>>On Sep 14, 2012, at 0:50, Y Mshana2003 <ymshana2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Just a small advice: why dont the Group start with collecting Strategies from African countries - just to begin with then build from there?
>>>>>Or maybe ICT Policies if there are not enough country strategies...
>>>>>Then talk about African Strategy.
>>>>>Just a thought..
>>>>>Kind regards
>>>>>From Yassin . Sent from samsung mobile. On O2.
>>>>>Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>>>>>Dr Yassin,
>>>>>Oh oh....Sorry if you can't speed read :(
>>>>>Those who can read will do so in the next 15 days and give their frank inputs
>>>>>You have a chance to get your voice heard now but you say you need time read/think/analyze and 15 days is not enough?
>>>>> I hope you can at least read the schedule at the site and determine that there is in fact no rush; this is normal work schedule, IMHO and I am African
>>>>>Africans were asked for input and ASWG will make sure adequate professional quality input is given to improve Africa in ICANN
>>>>>[once again be careful as the documents and list are both public so people can tell if one is with it ]
>>>>>Dr. Yassin, come on, just read the stuff starting with the African ecosystem and you'll be grateful; very insightful
>>>>>Best regards
>>>>>Nii (chair,ASWG)
>>>>>On Sep 13, 2012, at 22:48, Y Mshana2003 <ymshana2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> What is the hurry then? It takes time to read , analyse and Think of Strategies thoroughly.
>>>>>>How many strategies have failed due to rushing??
>>>>>>Where is the pressure to rush this Strategy coming from? OR is there a promise that something will be done for Africa for free?? Nothing is Free so that guess is out.
>>>>>>Please , please, let us not rush - save the energy now.
>>>>>>I have nothing to add apart from refusing to be rushed especially when fundamental things were not done properly such as to bring all Africans to the table through consultations- one should not ignore peoples voice however clever an idea can be. People have to accept it. Democrazy?
>>>>>>Kind regards
>>>>>>From Yassin . Sent from samsung mobile. On O2.
>>>>>>Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>>>>>>Dr. Yassin,
>>>>>>The place to send comments is icann-aswg at afrinic.net
>>>>>>Regarding your post here however note these.
>>>>>>The list of issues are only in the SWOTs
>>>>>>The strategic objectives are clearly stated there alongside ICANN's own strategic objectives. Did you miss them, I know there is a lot of stuff there;-)
>>>>>>So if you did not see them go read again as there is no 'half cooked content' there. Infact they tell you which ICANN strategic objective resulted in which African strategy, what are related projects and what measures
>>>>>>[be careful as the documents are on a public site so everyone can confirm what you have missed]
>>>>>>Perhaps you need to take your time and study them carefully and not be so quick
>>>>>>Your contribution as an African in the community is to apply your 'powerful thinking' and weight in on the priorities on the objectives
>>>>>>Which objectives are your priority?
>>>>>>If you can't answer this specifically then you need to put a little more effort
>>>>>>Its better we focus and get the hard job done; if more time is needed it will be ICANN's decision thereafter. In the meantime please lets not try to stop people from working for community
>>>>>>Thanks and regards
>>>>>>Nii (as chairman ASWG)
>>>>>>On Sep 13, 2012, at 17:57, Y Mshana2003 <ymshana2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>Wow...I read what has been published. The content is very good to read but what remains is to extract a Strategies - that needs African Thinking and researching not just a List of issues. That is its half-cooked contentwise. In addition it is half-cooked if Africans claim to disown the ASWG? Ignoring this 4th Dimension of issues is to create a gap.
>>>>>>>Why rush to Toronto now? That is the avoided Question .
>>>>>>>Did Africans demanded for this rush cummulatively?
>>>>>>>Well done!!
>>>>>>>From Yassin . Sent from samsung mobile. On O2.
>>>>>>>Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>...and you had studied the documents?
>>>>>>>On Sep 13, 2012, at 8:57, Pierre Lotis NANKEP <lnankep at yahoo.fr> wrote:
>>>>>>>>We are all praying for Africa...
>>>>>>>>Pierre Lotis NANKEP
>>>>>>>>IT Engineer / ANTIC
>>>>>>>>Web : http://www.antic.cm
>>>>>>>>Email (Pro) : pierre.nankep at antic.cm
>>>>>>>>GSM : +237 77 66 10 07
>>>>>>>> De : Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com>
>>>>>>>>À : Pierre Lotis NANKEP <lnankep at yahoo.fr>; "africann at afrinic.net" <africann at afrinic.net>
>>>>>>>>Envoyé le : Jeudi 13 septembre 2012 9h52
>>>>>>>>Objet : Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] A brief update on the ASWG
>>>>>>>>You are yet to study a set of documents but you are agreeing it is 'half cooked strategy'
>>>>>>>>I pray for Africa
>>>>>>>>On Sep 13, 2012, at 8:37, Pierre Lotis NANKEP <lnankep at yahoo.fr> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>I fully share the proposal of Yassin.
>>>>>>>>>Pierre Lotis NANKEP
>>>>>>>>>IT Engineer / ANTIC
>>>>>>>>>Web : http://www.antic.cm
>>>>>>>>>Email (Pro) : pierre.nankep at antic.cm
>>>>>>>>>GSM : +237 77 66 10 07
>>>>>>>>> De : Y Mshana2003 <ymshana2003 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>À : Lerato <lerato.ma at yahoo.com>; Katim S. Touray <kaamt at yahoo.com>; "africann at afrinic.net" <africann at afrinic.net>
>>>>>>>>>Envoyé le : Jeudi 13 septembre 2012 1h49
>>>>>>>>>Objet : Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] A brief update on the ASWG
>>>>>>>>>Dear fellow Africans,
>>>>>>>>>It is unfortunate that a we are soon going built on sand (no foundation) if the African Strategy is going to be discussed in Toronto.
>>>>>>>>>My suggestion made a month ago to stop this rushing and have a round of consultations to Democratically form an acceptable ASW Group was not loud enough to be heard. It is an embarassment to see what is going on. Rushing to Toronto with a half cooked Strategy will only create room for Complications in the implementation of a strategy which was not processed properly. I would suggest this process is stopped and go back to drawing board by initiating a process to for a more inclusive Working Group.
>>>>>>>>>It is not an emergency - it can wait for a few more weeks to consult and form a Working Group instead of 'imporsing' a Group as it appears. Get it right now or spend longer to repair cracks and mistakes.
>>>>>>>>>Kind regards
>>>>>>>>>Yassin Mshana (Always for True Africa!)
>>>>>>>>>From Yassin . Sent from samsung mobile. On O2.
>>>>>>>>>Lerato <lerato.ma at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Dear Katim-
>>>>>>>>>In the first place, I think its unfortunate that this very important question has been mingled with the DCA issue.
>>>>>>>>>You refer to "DCA's issue" as an "important question" and at the same time call it "unfortunate". What is unfortunate about an important question you raised that DCA also raised? Is it not DCA that first raised the issue you now call "important "on this list as well as formally in ICANN? or is anything raised by DCA becomes nullified and unacceptable by a certain group, until it rotates and gets legitimacy by another voice outside of DCA? I am a bit perturbed by the choice of language.
>>>>>>>>>If you want positive engagement and contribution from all of us, please let us not continue to deliberately mischaracterize DCA, while at the same time agreeing with the issues it raises.
>>>Independent Consultant
>>>c/o DFID-Sierra Leone
5 Off Spur Road, Wilberforce
>>>Freetown,SIERRA LEONE
>>>Skype: yassinmshana1, Mobile:+23276926697, Fax: (+232) 22235769
>>>Do You really NEED TO PRINT THIS?
>>> "The illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot read or
>>> write but those who cannot learn, relearn and unlearn" Alvin Toffler
>Independent Consultant
>c/o DFID-Sierra Leone5 Off Spur Road, Wilberforce
>Skype: yassinmshana1, Mobile:+23276926697, Fax: (+232) 22235769
>Do You really NEED TO PRINT THIS?
> "The illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot read or
> write but those who cannot learn, relearn and unlearn" Alvin Toffler
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