[AfrICANN-discuss] A brief update on the ASWG
Dr Yassin Mshana
ymshana2003 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 01:28:00 SAST 2012
Thank you for this - I read it and was waiting for an acceptable
description of this process.
A small Objection for now:
*3-The ICANN Africa strategy has nothing to do with our
national/regional ICT strategies which a few of us have been helping
African countries develop these last years*
Some effort has bean made in this area of work in order to gain a place in
National Priorities (wasted energy?) .....Could someone explain why this
disjoint? Let alone having National Strategies - there are some of our
countries without a National Policy. Why not start with that? How far did
the ICANN Regional Bureaus/ Offices go to help in this?
Well well, Points 1 & 2 need to be clarified as well - and the directive or
request by the CEO was not a fire-fighting order....I am sure it meant that
Africans should consider doing that - not to form a Group without necessary
consultations back home - this happened in Prague where Africans were
represented - why not take the message 'home' for consideration? This where
the issue began - I for one fail to believe that the CEO meant that a small
Group be formed..,,??
After all why is this discussion taking place now? There is a homework to
do - not only to analyse documents and information gathered.
Here we go..... Africa!
On 14 September 2012 21:47, Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
> Repost FYI
> From: Dandjinou Pierre <pdandjinou at gmail.com>
> Date: September 14, 2012 8:26:58 GMT
> To: africann at afrinic.net
> Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] ASWG outputs : Clarifications
> Reply-To: africann at afrinic.net
> Dear All,
> As you are taking time to go through the documents that were posted by
> the ASWG, I think these clarifications are in order, to contextualize
> what we seek to achieve as Africans participants to ICANN
> 1- The Africa Strategy document was a request by the incoming CEO, who
> wanted to have a special strategy for Africa;
> 2- As per the timeline that has been posted, Africans should deliver
> the outlines of the strategy by October and then ICANN will take it
> from there to develop the Africa strategy
> 3-The ICANN Africa strategy has nothing to do with our
> national/regional ICT strategies which a few of us have been helping
> African countries develop these last years
> 4-Thus, your inputs are important for the outlines to be delivered to
> ICANN in the specified timeline (end of September/early October)
> 5-Finally, this is not the end of it , as sessions have been planned
> to futher discuss the strategy in Totonto, .and also online.
> So, what is requested NOW is that we go through the posted documents,
> concentrate on the strategic Objectives, propose your owm priority
> list and provide further comments and recommendations if any, to help
> cover all Africans' needs in the ICANN Africa Strategy for coming
> three years..
> I hope this clarifies..
> Regards
> Pierre
> --
> On Sep 14, 2012, at 21:13, Dr Yassin Mshana <ymshana2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Oga Nii,
> It is pleasing to see that - I am being invited ;-) to share opinions that
> would be of benefit to us. I am afraid I do not need to be invited since I
> will always do my bets for Africa and never expected a recognition.
> I respectively asked a 2 questions and no credible answers - the answers
> to those two questions might be the foundation to build on i.e. How to get
> Africans engaged/involved in everything done for Africa? A big mistake was
> done by not inviting Africans in forming the Group - it is just a matter of
> principle and respect - that is why I will keep asking asking "Why the
> Rush". In addition, it would be a gesture of good will if the 'Group' had
> called for nominations for the African Strategy W/Group - to be
> more rhetoric, maybe the name would have been changed to a "Team" instead
> of a "Group"
> Ownership of this important process by all Africans is as important as the
> work being done. Where has African natural Diplomacy gone?
> Let us be strategic in the approach to this Strategy - there should be no
> grumbles or boasting by anyone. I would like things to be done with
> concurrence and by a 'Team' not a 'Group'. We have to consider 'emotional'
> intelligence not only 'intellectual' intelligence and skills....
> Have a nice weekend everyone.
> Yassin
> On 14 September 2012 01:12, Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>> Dr Yassin,
>> Good now we have put something we can work with and I'll like you to send
>> that as input to the icann-aswg for some folk to explore
>> Note however ICT is larger and could go too far. I am aware however some
>> are looking at IGF and country/subregional /regional IGF alignment
>> Thanks
>> Nii
>> On Sep 14, 2012, at 0:50, Y Mshana2003 <ymshana2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just a small advice: why dont the Group start with collecting Strategies
>> from African countries - just to begin with then build from there?
>> Or maybe ICT Policies if there are not enough country strategies...
>> Then talk about African Strategy.
>> Just a thought..
>> Kind regards
>> Yassin
>> From Yassin . Sent from samsung mobile. On O2.
>> Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>> Dr Yassin,
>> Oh oh....Sorry if you can't speed read :(
>> Those who can read will do so in the next 15 days and give their frank
>> inputs
>> You have a chance to get your voice heard now but you say you need time
>> read/think/analyze and 15 days is not enough?
>> I hope you can at least read the schedule at the site and determine that
>> there is in fact no rush; this is normal work schedule, IMHO and I am
>> African
>> Africans were asked for input and ASWG will make sure adequate
>> professional quality input is given to improve Africa in ICANN
>> [once again be careful as the documents and list are both public so
>> people can tell if one is with it ]
>> Dr. Yassin, come on, just read the stuff starting with the African
>> ecosystem and you'll be grateful; very insightful
>> Best regards
>> Nii (chair,ASWG)
>> On Sep 13, 2012, at 22:48, Y Mshana2003 <ymshana2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well.....
>> What is the hurry then? It takes time to read , analyse and Think of
>> Strategies thoroughly.
>> How many strategies have failed due to rushing??
>> Where is the pressure to rush this Strategy coming from? OR is there a
>> promise that something will be done for Africa for free?? Nothing is Free
>> so that guess is out.
>> Please , please, let us not rush - save the energy now.
>> I have nothing to add apart from refusing to be rushed especially when
>> fundamental things were not done properly such as to bring all Africans to
>> the table through consultations- one should not ignore peoples voice
>> however clever an idea can be. People have to accept it. Democrazy?
>> Kind regards
>> Yassin
>> From Yassin . Sent from samsung mobile. On O2.
>> Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>> Dr. Yassin,
>> The place to send comments is icann-aswg at afrinic.net
>> Regarding your post here however note these.
>> The list of issues are only in the SWOTs
>> The strategic objectives are clearly stated there alongside ICANN's own
>> strategic objectives. Did you miss them, I know there is a lot of stuff
>> there;-)
>> So if you did not see them go read again as there is no 'half cooked
>> content' there. Infact they tell you which ICANN strategic objective
>> resulted in which African strategy, what are related projects and what
>> measures
>> [be careful as the documents are on a public site so everyone can confirm
>> what you have missed]
>> Perhaps you need to take your time and study them carefully and not be so
>> quick
>> Your contribution as an African in the community is to apply your
>> 'powerful thinking' and weight in on the priorities on the objectives
>> Which objectives are your priority?
>> If you can't answer this specifically then you need to put a little more
>> effort
>> Its better we focus and get the hard job done; if more time is needed it
>> will be ICANN's decision thereafter. In the meantime please lets not try
>> to stop people from working for community
>> Thanks and regards
>> Nii (as chairman ASWG)
>> On Sep 13, 2012, at 17:57, Y Mshana2003 <ymshana2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Wow...I read what has been published. The content is very good to read
>> but what remains is to extract a Strategies - that needs African Thinking
>> and researching not just a List of issues. That is its half-cooked
>> contentwise. In addition it is half-cooked if Africans claim to disown the
>> ASWG? Ignoring this 4th Dimension of issues is to create a gap.
>> Why rush to Toronto now? That is the avoided Question .
>> Did Africans demanded for this rush cummulatively?
>> Well done!!
>> Yassin
>> From Yassin . Sent from samsung mobile. On O2.
>> Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>> ...and you had studied the documents?
>> On Sep 13, 2012, at 8:57, Pierre Lotis NANKEP <lnankep at yahoo.fr> wrote:
>> We are all praying for Africa...
>> --
>> Pierre Lotis NANKEP
>> IT Engineer / ANTIC
>> Web : http://www.antic.cm
>> Email (Pro) : pierre.nankep at antic.cm
>> GSM : +237 77 66 10 07
>> ------------------------------
>> *De :* Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com>
>> *À :* Pierre Lotis NANKEP <lnankep at yahoo.fr>; "africann at afrinic.net" <
>> africann at afrinic.net>
>> *Envoyé le :* Jeudi 13 septembre 2012 9h52
>> *Objet :* Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] A brief update on the ASWG
>> You are yet to study a set of documents but you are agreeing it is 'half
>> cooked strategy'
>> I pray for Africa
>> Nii
>> On Sep 13, 2012, at 8:37, Pierre Lotis NANKEP <lnankep at yahoo.fr> wrote:
>> I fully share the proposal of Yassin.
>> --
>> Pierre Lotis NANKEP
>> IT Engineer / ANTIC
>> Web : http://www.antic.cm
>> Email (Pro) : pierre.nankep at antic.cm
>> GSM : +237 77 66 10 07
>> ------------------------------
>> *De :* Y Mshana2003 <ymshana2003 at gmail.com>
>> *À :* Lerato <lerato.ma at yahoo.com>; Katim S. Touray <kaamt at yahoo.com>; "
>> africann at afrinic.net" <africann at afrinic.net>
>> *Envoyé le :* Jeudi 13 septembre 2012 1h49
>> *Objet :* Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] A brief update on the ASWG
>> Dear fellow Africans,
>> It is unfortunate that a we are soon going built on sand (no foundation)
>> if the African Strategy is going to be discussed in Toronto.
>> My suggestion made a month ago to stop this rushing and have a round of
>> consultations to Democratically form an acceptable ASW Group was not loud
>> enough to be heard. It is an embarassment to see what is going on. Rushing
>> to Toronto with a half cooked Strategy will only create room for
>> Complications in the implementation of a strategy which was not processed
>> properly. I would suggest this process is stopped and go back to drawing
>> board by initiating a process to for a more inclusive Working Group.
>> It is not an emergency - it can wait for a few more weeks to consult and
>> form a Working Group instead of 'imporsing' a Group as it appears. Get it
>> right now or spend longer to repair cracks and mistakes.
>> Kind regards
>> Yassin Mshana (Always for True Africa!)
>> From Yassin . Sent from samsung mobile. On O2.
>> Lerato <lerato.ma at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Dear Katim-
>> In the first place, I think its unfortunate that this very important
>> question has been mingled with the DCA issue.
>> You refer to "DCA's issue" as an "important question" and at the same
>> time call it "unfortunate". What is unfortunate about
>> an important question you raised that DCA also raised? Is it not DCA
>> that first raised the issue you now call "important "on this list as well
>> as formally in ICANN? or is anything raised by DCA becomes nullified
>> and unacceptable by a certain group, until it rotates and gets legitimacy
>> by another voice outside of DCA? I am a bit perturbed by the choice of
>> language.
>> If you want positive engagement and contribution from all of us, please
>> let us not continue to deliberately mischaracterize DCA, while at the same
>> time agreeing with the issues it raises.
> --
> *Independent Consultant*
> c/o DFID-Sierra Leone
> 5 Off Spur Road, Wilberforce
> Skype: yassinmshana1, Mobile:+23276926697, Fax: (+232) 22235769
> *Do You really NEED TO PRINT THIS?*
> * "The illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot read or*
> * write** but those who cannot learn, relearn and unlearn" Alvin Toffler*
*Independent Consultant*
c/o DFID-Sierra Leone
5 Off Spur Road, Wilberforce
Skype: yassinmshana1, Mobile:+23276926697, Fax: (+232) 22235769
*Do You really NEED TO PRINT THIS?*
* "The illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot read or*
* write** but those who cannot learn, relearn and unlearn" Alvin Toffler*
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